Hosta 'Hands of Hope'


Registered by J. Wheat of Wisconsin in 2020, this slow growing, small size (7 inches high by 20 inches wide) cultivar is an open-pollinated seedling of H. 'Blue Legend'. It has medium green, broadly ovate foliage that is slightly cupped, slightly corrugated and dull on top. Near white flowers with very pale lavender stripes bloom from late June into July on scapes 12 to 17 inches tall followed by viable seeds.

The registration materials state: "...Variety of leaf shapes from ovate, to broadly ovate to nearly round, all with white backs, widely spaced veins and mucronate tips...'Hands of Hope' was nourished and brought into existence by my late husband, Daryl G. Krueger.  Daryl derived great joy from tending his acre of hosta gardens.  Of the thousands of seeds he gathered and planted, this is the only unique one that grew well.  Unfortunately, just as this seedling gained three years of age, Daryl was taken by cancer.  I register this plant in his memory."


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