Hosta 'Frensham Red Lime Cordial'


Registered by June Colley and John Baker of England in 2020, this medium to large size (18 inches high by 29 inches wide) cultivar is a seedling of (H. pycnophylla x H. longipes) × H. longipes. The ovate foliage is lime-green in color and is slightly rippled, slightly wavy and dull on top. Its petioles have dark reddish brown speckles along the entire length and extends up to 3 inches into the leaf blade. Deep purple, bell-shaped flowers on scapes 13 to 14.5 inches tall bloom from July into August. It does not set seeds.

The registration materials state: "...Open clump of dark reddish brown petioles, purple recumbent scapes and deep purple flowers contrast well with the limey green leaves."


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