Hosta 'Freising'


This cultivar is a small size (7 inches high by 12 inches wide) seedling of H. sieboldii 'Alba' originated by Hermann Müssel and introduced by Heinz Klose of Staudengärtnerei Klose in Germany. It was registered on their behalf by Peter Ruh of Ohio in 2009. Its leaves are light green in color, broadly ovate, flat and dull on top. The white flowers are tubular shaped.

References to this cultivar have appeared incorrectly as 'Freishing' and 'Freisling'. Also, it is sometimes described as a 'Fortunei' type plant although there is some disagreement about this since it is said to have come from an H. sieboldii plant. This plant is also said to be a sibling of H. 'Weihenstephan'.

According to an article at the Gesellschaft der Staudenfreunde website, this cultivar was originated in 1970 by Hermann Müssel, named by Heinz Klose in 1977 and registered by Peter Ruh in 2009.

Freising is a town in Bavaria, Germany.


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