Hosta 'Emerald Ruff Cut'
aka Hosta 'Emerald Island'

A tissue culture sport of H. 'Sea Angel Wings', this cultivar was registered by Jim Anderson of Winterberry Farms in Georgia in 2003. The mound grows into a medium size hosta at a height of 13 inches and a width of 39 inches with narrowly ovate, heavily rippled leaves. It bears pale lavender flowers in July.

The registration materials state: "...Very bright colors early in the season and with reflush in mid season; ruffled becomes lighter during the season...'Emerald Island' was in the trade but the name was changed to 'Emerald Ruff Cut' when registered."

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "It has been credited at times to Robert Harris (in the Hosta Finder) and Mildred Seaver (as 'Emerald Island' in Wade 2002, p. 117), but actually originated in Jim Anderson's tissue culture lab at Winterberry Farms."

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "Leaves re-flush in midsummer but the color is best earlier in the season. Divide regularly."

This cultivar is sometimes incorrectly listed as H. 'Emerald Rough Cut'.


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