Hosta 'Crinkled Leather'

Don Dean of Minnesota registered this upright growing hybrid of (((H. 'Liberty Bell' × (H. 'Urajiro Amagi Iwa' × H. pycnophylla)) H. 'Ebony Spires') x H. 'Silver Frost') in 2014. It forms a large size plant about 22 inches high with a spread of around 34 inches. The medium blue-green foliages is heavily corrugated, moderately cupped, broadly ovate and lightly twisted. Pale lavender, tubular flowers bloom from July into August. It sets seeds but their viability was not known at the time of registration.

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term iwa as rock, Iwa Gibōshi or H. longipes and the term urajiro as white-backed or white underside.


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