Hosta 'Clarence'

The Hosta Handbook by Mark Zilis (2000), says that this plant falls into a group in the H. 'Sieboldiana' species and consists of "registered seedlings that have either 'Elegans' or an 'Elegans' sport (e.g. 'Frances Williams', 'Northern Halo', etc.) as a parent. All of these have blue-green foliage and represent the range of 'Elegans' types that can be found."

This cultivar was originated by Lucille Simpers of Indiana and registered by Marjory Soules of Indiana in 1996. It forms a large size (26 inches high) mound with heavily corrugated, deeply lobed, moderately cupped foliage. Like others of this type, it has thick substance which helps deter slugs. Near white flowers bloom from late June into July.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this cultivar "...honors Clarence Soules of Indianapolis, IN...he told me that Lucille Simpers gave him this plant after he admired it growing in her collection. It can be classified as one of the best H. 'Elegans' type cultivars on the market today."



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