Hosta 'Chodai Ginba'


This upright growing cultivar of unidentified parentage from Japan was originated by Mr. Kajigawa but registered on his behalf by Peter and Jean Ruh of Ohio in 2003. It was re-registered in 2018 to change the originator to (Japan) to replace Mr. Kajigawa.

It forms a medium size plant about 11 inches high by 27 inches wide with dark green foliage. The leaves are ovate shape, slightly wavy, slightly corrugated and very shiny on top. Pale lavender flowers bloom in July on scapes about 37 inches tall.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), " the appearance of being a green-leaved plant related to H. nigrescens."

The registration materials state: "...Very heavy scape; good texture; pointed tip" 

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term ginba as silver (white) leaf.


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