Hosta 'Big Mo'


This is one of those cases where there are two hostas with the same name. One is registered and, therefore, the "official" version of H. 'Big Mo' while the other is a non-registered plant and needs to be renamed to avoid further confusion.


A seedling of H. montana, this cultivar was registered by Ray Stephens of Georgia in 1990. It forms a large size mound about 24 inches high by 52 inches wide. The foliage is blue-green to dark green and it bears pale lavender flowers in June and July.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...not listed for sale; may no longer exit."

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Big Mo' (Stephens)


According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...Van Wade also named a large blue-green seedling 'Big Mo' in the mid-1990s."

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Big Mo' (Wade).


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