Hosta 'Betty Blake'


Registered by Joanna Kovalcsik of Michigan  in 2022, this cultivar by an unidentified originator is a fast growing, open-pollinated seedling of the species, Hosta gracillima. This is a small size (6 inches high by 16 inches wide) has dark green foliage that is dull on top but slightly shiny on the bottom. The ovate shaped leaves are slightly twisted, slightly folded and wavy overall with sharp tips.

It bears flowers in July with purple speckles and striations and an interior star-shaped, purple blaze. The scapes are about 14 inches tall with persistent bracts. The viable seeds are set in green pods that have red speckles and stripes.

The registration materials state: "Petite, dark green hosta with big flower power. Striped buds become colorful purple & white blossoms with an interior star-shaped blaze. Holding fertile pollen, the anthers are purple & white. Named for rock-garden enthusiast Betty Blake."



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