Hosta 'Best Yet'

Originated by Dr. Ralph (Herb) and Dorothy Benedict of Michigan and registered by Rod Kuenster in 2010, this cultivar is of unidentified parentage but has Hosta nakaiana in its background. It was registered as a medium size plant about 16 inches high by 30 inches wide with dark green foliage. However, The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), describes it as a "...5" high by 16" wide mound of medium green foliage".

The leaves are slightly cupped, slightly wavy, slightly shiny on top and slightly corrugated. It bears pale lavender flowers from July into August on scapes 28 to 32 inches tall. Viability of the seeds was not known at the time of registration.

The registration materials state: "...good substance, nice clumping habit."


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