New hostas come about as the result of asexual changes in the genetics of a plant called sports or through sexual reproduction (seeds) involving human manipulation (hyrbridizing) or through random action of bees in the garden. Either way, the resulting plants share the DNA and physical traits of the parent plants which can be of interest to Hostaphiles. These plants are the ancestors or "Background" hostas for each cultivar.

Listed on these index pages are the over 15,000 hosta names in the Hosta Helper Database. For each of the names, we have tried to gather information on 10 categories related to a particular cultivar or species. These include its use as a pod parent, pollen parent or sport parent. The genetic background of the plant is included where known. Plants that are considered the "Same As" or are similar looking or which have similar sounding names have been added. Siblings which came from the same hybridizing cross or from a single batch of tissue culture sports are noted.

Also included may be certain "type" plants. For instance, many hostas are said to be Tardiana-like or a H. 'Sieboldiana' -type although their precise genetic background is not known.           [Site Map]

  1. "U-2-55-1"
  2. 'Ubatake Gibōshi'
  3. 'Uber Empire'
  4. 'Uberageous'
  5. 'UberVirgo'
  6. 'Uchiwa'
  7. 'Ufo'
  8. 'Ugga Bugga'
  9. 'Ugly'
  10. 'Ugly Duckling'
  11. 'Uguis'
  12. 'Uguis Spring Bird'
  13. 'Uguisu Koba'
  14. 'Uju'
  15. 'Ukulele Lady'
  16. 'Ulan'
  17. 'Ulee's Gold'
  18. 'Ultramarine'
  19. 'Ultraviolet Light'
  20. 'Ulysses S. Grant'
  21. 'Umezawa'
  22. 'Umezawa Nishiki'
  23. 'Umi'
  24. 'Umi Oba'
  25. 'Un Poco'
  26. 'Unazuki'
  27. 'Unazuki Dwarf'
  28. 'Unazuki Gibōshi'
  29. 'Unazuki Kino Kana'
  30. 'Unazuki Soules'
  31. 'Unbridled Passion'
  32. 'Unchained Melody'
  33. 'Uncle Albert'
  34. 'Uncle Charlie'
  35. 'Uncle Fester'
  36. 'Uncle Hirsch'
  37. 'Uncle John'
  38. 'Uncle Miltie'
  39. 'Uncle Sam'
  40. 'Uncle Shorty'
  41. 'Undercover'
  42. 'Undertow'
  43. 'Undie Fundie'
  44. 'Undine'
  1. 'Undine Schuster'
  2. 'Unducosa'
  3. 'Undulata'
  4. 'Undulata Albomarginata'
  5. 'Undulata Erromena'
  6. 'Undulata Kifukurin'
  7. 'Undulata Mediopicta'
  8. 'Undulata Mediovariegata'
  9. 'Undulata Nana'
  10. 'Undulata Univittata'
  11. 'Undulata Variant'
  12. H. undulata variegata
  13. 'Undulata Wade #101'
  14. 'Undulata Wade #102'
  15. 'Undulata Wade #103'
  16. 'Undulata White Beauty'
  17. 'Unexpected Company'
  18. 'Unexpected Pleasure'
  19. 'Unexpected Song'
  20. 'Unforgettable'
  21. 'Unique'
  22. 'Uniquely Catawampus'
  23. 'Uniquely Go Big or Go Home'
  24. 'Uniquely Goooal!'
  25. 'Uniquely Inconceivable'
  26. 'Uniquely Purple People Eater'
  27. 'Uniquely Rails to Trails'
  28. 'Uniquely Shirley Temple'
  29. 'Uniquely Sweet Lady'
  30. 'Uniquely War Lance'
  31. 'Unitalis'
  32. 'United Colors'
  33. 'University Dubuque Spartans'
  34. 'Unobana'
  35. 'Unreadable'
  36. 'Unruly Child'
  37. 'Unruly Troll'
  38. 'Unsinkable Molly Brown'
  39. 'Unstable Mabel'
  40. 'Unsung Hero'
  41. 'Up in Smoke'
  42. 'Up to Marc'
  43. 'Upbeat'
  44. 'Uplift'
  1. 'Upper Crust'
  2. 'Upper Echelon'
  3. 'Upper Woburn Place'
  4. 'UPS'
  5. 'Uptown Girl'
  6. 'Upright Green'
  7. 'Uprising'
  8. 'Upswing'
  9. 'Ur'
  10. 'Urajiro', H. clavata
  11. 'Urajiro', H. longipes
  12. 'Urajiro', H. montana
  13. 'Urajiro', H. pulchella
  14. 'Urajiro', H. rupifraga
  15. 'Urajiro Amagi Iwa'
  16. 'Urajiro Gibōshi'
  17. 'Urajiro Hachijo', H. longipes
  18. 'Urajiro Hachijo', H. rupifraga
  19. 'Urajiro Hyuga Gibōshi'
  20. 'Urajiro Iwa'
  21. 'Urajiro Itaya'
  22.  H. urajiro itaya
  23. 'Urajiro Izu Iwa'
  24. 'Urajiro Ko Iwa'
  25. 'Urajiro Musashino'
  26. 'Urajiro Oba'
  27. 'Urajiro Sudare'
  28. 'Urajiro Ubatake'
  29. 'Uranus'
  30. 'Urashima'
  31. 'Urban Cowboy'
  32. 'Urban Rancher'
  33. 'Urchin'
  34. 'Ussuri'
  35. 'Usuba Iwa'
  36. 'Utah Kid'
  37. 'Ute'
  38. 'Utsukushigahara Fukurin Oba'
  39. 'Utsuri'
  40. 'Uzat'
  41. 'Uzu-no-Mai'
  42. 'Uzu-no-Mai Fukurin'

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