New hostas come about as the result of asexual changes in the genetics of a plant called sports or through sexual reproduction (seeds) involving human manipulation (hyrbridizing) or through random action of bees in the garden. Either way, the resulting plants share the DNA and physical traits of the parent plants which can be of interest to Hostaphiles. These plants are the ancestors or "Background" hostas for each cultivar.

Listed on these index pages are the over 15,000 hosta names in the Hosta Helper Database. For each of the names, we have tried to gather information on 10 categories related to a particular cultivar or species. These include its use as a pod parent, pollen parent or sport parent. The genetic background of the plant is included where known. Plants that are considered the "Same As" or are similar looking or which have similar sounding names have been added. Siblings which came from the same hybridizing cross or from a single batch of tissue culture sports are noted.

Also included may be certain "type" plants. For instance, many hostas are said to be Tardiana-like or a H. 'Sieboldiana' -type although their precise genetic background is not known.           [Site Map]

  1. 'J.B. III'
  2. 'J.B. Patel'
  3. 'J.D.'s Luck'
  4. 'Jabberwocky'
  5. 'Jabulani'
  6. 'Jack and Margaret's Keynote'
  7. 'Jack be Nimble'
  8. 'Jack Benii'
  9. 'Jack Berry'
  10. 'Jack Blue'
  11. 'Jack Frost'
  12. 'Jack in the Beanstalk'
  13. 'Jack of Diamonds'
  14. 'Jack of Spades'
  15. 'Jack Robbins'
  16. 'Jack Sprat'
  17. 'Jackberry'
  18. 'Jackpot'
  19. 'Jackson's Diaper'
  20. 'Jack's Discovery'
  21. 'Jack's Genes'
  22. 'Jacqueline'
  23. 'Jacqueline's Banner'
  24. 'Jade Beauty'
  25. 'Jade Cascade'
  26. 'Jade Elegance'
  27. 'Jade Lancer'
  28. 'Jade Moon'
  29. 'Jade Patriot'
  30. 'Jade Pendant'
  31. 'Jade Point'
  32. 'Jade Scepter'
  33. 'Jade Stone'
  34. 'Jade Tiara'
  35. 'Jaded Geisha'
  36. 'Jaded Lady'
  37. 'Jadette'
  38. 'Jake'
  39. 'Jalapeno'
  40. 'Jambleliah'
  41. 'Jambo'
  42. 'Jamboree'
  43. 'Jamboree Joy'
  44. 'James'
  45. 'James A. Garfield'
  46. 'James Buchanan'
  47. 'James Knox Polk'
  48. 'James Madison'
  49. 'James Monroe'
  50. 'James River'
  51. 'Jami'
  52. 'Jammin'
  53. 'Jana'
  54. 'Jane Doe'
  55. 'Jane Sample'
  56. 'Jane Ward'
  57. 'Jane's Blush'
  58. 'Janet'
  59. 'Janet Day'
  60. 'Janet Green'
  61. 'Janet Rugh'
  62. 'Janet's Gold Sox'
  63. 'Janet's Green Sox'
  64. 'Janet's Joy'
  65. 'Janet's Sister'
  66. 'Janie Girl'
  67. 'Jan's Gem'
  68. 'Jan's Gift'
  69. 'Japanboy'
  70. 'Japanese Red Scape'
  71. 'Japangirl'
  72. "Japanese Tet 1"
  73. "Japanese Tet 2"
  74. "Japanese Tet 66-01"
  75. "Japanese Tet 66-02"
  76. 'Japonica Blue'
  77. 'Japonica White'
  78. H. japonica fortis
  79. H. japonica undulata aureo-marginata
  80. 'Jarett H. Park'
  81. 'Jarno'
  82. 'Jasmine'
  83. 'Jason'
  84. 'Jason and Katie'
  85. 'Java'
  86. 'Javelin'
  87. 'Jawbreaker'
  88. 'Jaws'
  89. 'Jay'
  90. 'Jay B. Abendroth'
  91. 'Jay Jay'
  92. 'Jay P. Warren'
  93. 'Jayka'
  94. 'Jaz'
  95. 'Jazz Matazz'
  96. 'Jazzy'
  97. 'Jazzy Jane'
  98. 'Je me souviens'
  99. 'Je Suis'
  100. 'Jealous Husband'
  101. 'Jealousy'
  102. 'Jean'
  103. 'Jean Ferris Ruh'
  104. 'Jean Harlow'
  105. 'Jeanne Normandin'
  1. 'Jean's Gem'
  2. 'Jeff'
  3. 'Jelloway'
  4. 'Jelly Bean'
  5. 'Jelly Belly'
  6. 'Jelly Drop'
  7. 'Jelly Roll Blues'
  8. 'Jen'
  9. 'JenElaine'
  10. 'Jennifer'
  11. 'Jennifer Bailey'
  12. 'Jennifer's Angel'
  13. 'Jennifer's Green Eyes'
  14. 'Jennifu'
  15. 'Jericho'
  16. 'Jerry'
  17. 'Jerry Landwehr'
  18. 'Jerry's Jest'
  19. 'Jersey Magic'
  20. 'Jessie'
  21. 'Jessica Alba'
  22. 'Jessica Lynn'
  23. 'Jesse James'
  24. 'Jester'
  25. 'Jerzy'
  26. 'Jet Black'
  27. 'Jetstream'
  28. 'Jewel Box'
  29. 'Jewel of the Nile'
  30. 'Jeweled Crown'
  31. 'Jezebel'
  32. 'Jigger's Gift'
  33. 'Jiggy With It'
  34. 'Jigs Up'
  35. 'Jiln'
  36. 'Jilted Lover'
  37. 'Jim and Ellie'
  38. 'Jim Boldt'
  39. 'Jim Brady'
  40. 'Jim Cooper'
  41. 'Jim Dandy'
  42. 'Jim Hawes'
  43. 'Jim Jam'
  44. 'Jim Matthews'
  45. 'Jim Watkins'
  46. 'Jim Wilkins'
  47. 'Jiminy Cricket'
  48. 'Jimmy'
  49. 'Jimmy Blue Eyes'
  50. 'Jimmy Crack Corn'
  51. 'Jimmy MacBlack'
  52. 'Jimmy Redd'
  53. 'Jim's Walkaway'
  54. 'Jingle Bells'
  55. 'Jinguji'
  56. 'Jipson Place Black Hole'
  57. 'Jipson Place City Shadows'
  58. 'Jipson Place Meteor Crater'
  59. 'Jipson Place Summer Solstice'
  60. 'Jipson Place Tree Top Lover'
  61. 'Jo Jo'
  62. 'Joan Altman'
  63. 'Joan's Joy'
  64. 'Joanne Johnson'
  65. 'Joan's Alter Ego'
  66. 'Job'
  67. 'JoBob'
  68. 'Joby'
  69. 'Joe Fasty'
  70. 'Joe the Plumber'
  71. 'Johanne'
  72. 'John Adams'
  73. 'John Arva'
  74. 'John D. Barnot'
  75. 'John Deere Green and Yellow'
  76. 'John Denver'
  77. 'John Diamond'
  78. 'John Elsley'
  79. 'John Henry'
  80. 'John Henry's Shadow'
  81. 'John James'
  82. 'John Jay'
  83. 'John Kulpa'
  84. 'John Luke Picard'
  85. 'John Metzgar'
  86. 'John Q. Adams'
  87. 'John Tyler'
  88. 'John Wargo'
  89. 'John Wells'
  90. 'Johnnie Walker Red'
  91. 'Johnny Angel'
  92. 'Johnny Oh'
  93. 'Johnson's Olympic Gold'
  94. 'Joker'
  95. 'Jolly Green Dwarf'
  96. 'Jolly Green Giant'
  97. 'Jolly Roger'
  98. 'Jon Soucek'
  99. 'Jon's Gem'
  100. 'Jon's Song'
  101. H. jonesii
  102. 'Jordan's Heart'
  103. 'Joseph'
  104. 'Joseph Flood'
  105. 'Joseph's Dream'
  1. 'Josephine'
  2. 'Joshu Iwa'
  3. 'Joshua's Banner'
  4. 'Joshua's Blanket'
  5. 'Joshua's Dream'
  6. 'Jotunheim'
  7. 'Journeyman'
  8. 'Journey's End'
  9. 'Jousaiougon'
  10. 'Joy Adams'
  11. 'Joy Ride'
  12. 'Joy, Unspeakable Joy'
  13. 'Joybells'
  14. 'Joyce Lane'
  15. 'Joyce Trott'
  16. 'Joyful'
  17. 'Joyland'
  18. 'Jubilation'
  19. 'Jubilee'
  20. 'Judi's Joy'
  21. 'Judith'
  22. 'Judy Blue Eyes'
  23. 'Judy Reese'
  24. 'Judy Rocco'
  25. 'Judy's Amazing Grace'
  26. 'Judy's Private Stock'
  27. 'Judy's Surprise'
  28. 'Juha'
  29. 'Jujen'
  30. 'Jules'
  31. 'Julia'
  32. 'Julia Ariana'
  33. 'Julia Gaede'
  34. 'Julia Hardy'
  35. 'Julia Marie'
  36. 'Julie'
  37. 'Julie Ann'
  38. 'Julie Marie'
  39. 'Julie Morss'
  40. 'Julie Wheeler'
  41. 'Julien and Nathalie'
  42. 'Julien et Nathalie'
  43. 'July Gold'
  44. 'Jumbo'
  45. 'Jumbo Ear'
  46. 'Jumbo Mouse Ears'
  47. 'Jumbo Ohr'
  48. 'Jumbo Tron'
  49. 'Jumonji'
  50. 'Jump Start'
  51. 'Jumpin Jack Flash'
  52. 'Jumping Jupiter'
  53. 'June'
  54. 'June' - Form #1
  55. 'June Beauty'
  56. 'June Bug'
  57. 'June Dove'
  58. 'June Fever'
  59. 'June Gold'
  60. 'June Moon'
  61. 'June Present'
  62. 'June Spirit'
  63. 'June's Baby'
  64. 'June's Beauty'
  65. 'June's Gold'
  66. 'June's Present'
  67. 'Jungle Age Trail'
  68. 'Jungle Beauty'
  69. 'Jungle Cascade'
  70. 'Jungle Fever'
  71. 'Jungle Princess'
  72. 'Junior Mint'
  73. 'Junior Miss'
  74. 'Junonia'
  75. 'Jupiter'
  76. 'Jurassic Mutator'
  77. 'Jurassic Park'
  78. 'Jurassic Sun'
  79. 'Jurassic World'
  80. 'Just Blue'
  81. 'Just Elegant'
  82. 'Justice for All'
  83. 'Just for Jane'
  84. 'Just Green'
  85. 'Just Joshin'
  86. 'Just June'
  87. 'Just Livin Life'
  88. 'Just Go'
  89. 'Just So'
  90. 'Just So Green'
  91. 'Justa Gigolo'
  92. 'Justice'
  93. 'Justice of Peace'
  94. 'Justin'
  95. 'Justin Tyme'
  96. 'Justine'
  97. 'Justinian'
  98. 'Jyunpakuka-akebono'

The Hosta Helper
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