New hostas come about as the result of asexual changes in the genetics of a plant called sports or through sexual reproduction (seeds) involving human manipulation (hyrbridizing) or through random action of bees in the garden. Either way, the resulting plants share the DNA and physical traits of the parent plants which can be of interest to Hostaphiles. These plants are the ancestors or "Background" hostas for each cultivar.

Listed on these index pages are the over 15,000 hosta names in the Hosta Helper Database. For each of the names, we have tried to gather information on 10 categories related to a particular cultivar or species. These include its use as a pod parent, pollen parent or sport parent. The genetic background of the plant is included where known. Plants that are considered the "Same As" or are similar looking or which have similar sounding names have been added. Siblings which came from the same hybridizing cross or from a single batch of tissue culture sports are noted.

Also included may be certain "type" plants. For instance, many hostas are said to be Tardiana-like or a H. 'Sieboldiana' -type although their precise genetic background is not known.           [Site Map]

  1. 'G String'
  2. 'G and S Nelson's'
  3. 'G.I. Joe'
  4. 'G.W. Matthews'
  5. 'Gabba Gabba Hey'
  6. 'Gabber'
  7. 'Gable's Gold'
  8. 'Gabriel'
  9. 'Gabriel's Gold'
  10. 'Gabriel's Horn'
  11. 'Gabriel's Wing'
  12. 'Gadzooks'
  13. 'Gaelic Roots'
  14. 'Gaga'
  15. 'Gaiety'
  16. 'Gaijin'
  17. 'Gala'
  18. 'Gala Supreme'
  19. 'Galactic Dorben'
  20. 'Galactic Starburst'
  21. 'Galactica'
  22. 'Galaxy'
  23. 'Galaxy Light'
  24. 'Galaxy's Orbit'
  25. 'Galaxy's Ring'
  26. 'Galetta'
  27. 'Gallant Heart'
  28. 'Game Boy'
  29. 'Gamma Ray'
  30. 'Gandalf'
  31. 'Gandy Dancer'
  32. 'Gangster of Love'
  33. 'Ganny Sandy'
  34. 'Garden Bouquet'
  35. 'Garden Center'
  36. 'Garden Delight'
  37. 'Garden Gate'
  38. 'Garden Magic'
  39. 'Garden Master'
  40. 'Garden Party'
  41. 'Garden Spider'
  42. 'Garden Treasure'
  43. 'Gargantua'
  44. 'Gargoyle'
  45. 'Garnet Cloud'
  46. 'Garnet Prince'
  47. 'Garnet Spires'
  48. 'Gary Jones'
  49. 'Gary Rivera'
  50. 'Gary Rolls'
  51. 'Gate Keeper'
  52. 'Gateway Arch'
  53. 'Gathering of Eagles'
  54. 'Gator Bowl'
  55. 'Gator Hide'
  56. 'Gatton Rocks Gold'
  57. 'Gay Blade'
  58. 'Gay Feather'
  59. 'Gay Nineties'
  60. 'Gay Paree'
  61. 'Gay Search'
  62. 'Gaynor Miller'
  63. 'Gazpacho'
  64. 'Geez Louise'
  65. 'Geisha'
  66. 'Geisha Gold Sport'
  67. 'Geisha Green Skirt'
  68. 'Geisha Limey Streaks'
  69. 'Geisha Satin Ripples'
  70. 'Geisha Supreme'
  71. 'Geissler's Edge'
  72. 'Geissler's Return'
  73. 'Gekko'
  74. 'Gelbe Kaiserstandarte'
  75. 'Gelber Kaiser Han Wu Di'
  76. 'Gemini'
  77. 'Gemini Comet'
  78. 'Gemini Moon'
  79. 'Gemstone'
  80. 'Gene Foster'
  81. 'Gene Heinemann'
  82. 'Gene Pool'
  83. 'Gene Summers'
  84. 'Generation X'
  85. 'Generous Heart'
  86. 'Generous Jeff'
  87. 'Gene's Joy'
  88. 'Genesee Genco'
  89. 'Genesee Gypsy'
  90. 'Genesee Splashing'
  91. 'Genesee Watchtower'
  92. 'Genesis'
  93. 'Geneva' (Benedict)
  94. 'Geneva' (Hadrava)
  95. 'Geneva Remembrance'
  96. 'Geneva Stark'
  97. 'Genghis Khan'
  98. 'Genrei'
  99. 'Gensou'
  100. 'Gentle Blue Persuasian'
  101. 'Gentle Giant'
  102. 'Gentle Rim'
  103. 'Gentle Spirit'
  104. 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'
  105. 'Georg Impler'
  106. 'George Jay Hill'
  107. 'George M. Dallas'
  108. 'George Smith'
  109. 'George W.'
  110. 'Georgia'
  111. 'Georgia Jan'
  112. 'Georgia Sunrise'
  113. 'Georgia Sweetheart'
  114. 'Georgian Bay'
  115. 'Georgie Porgie Puddin and Pie'
  116. 'Gerda Marie'
  117. 'German Yellow Dragon'
  118. 'German Sauerkraut'
  119. 'Geronimo' (Malloy)
  120. 'Geronimo' (Wade)
  121. 'Gerrie's Gift'
  122. 'Gertie'
  123. 'Gestreifte Lanze'
  124. 'Get Nekkid'
  125. 'Get Outa Jail Free'
  126. 'Get R Done'
  127. 'Get the Shovel'
  128. 'Ghee Syche'
  129. 'Ghetto Princess'
  130. 'Ghost Dancer'
  131. 'Ghost Flower'
  132. 'Ghost Mouse'
  133. 'Ghost Spirit'
  134. 'Ghost Story'
  135. 'Ghost Tiara'
  136. 'Ghost Traveler'
  137. 'Ghostface'
  138. 'Ghostmaster'
  139. 'Giant Beaupre'
  140. 'Giant Green'
  141. 'Giant Piecrust'
  142. 'Giant Streaker'
  143. 'Giantland Aftershock'
  144. 'Giantland Athletic Cup'
  145. 'Giantland Banana Tree'
  146. 'Giantland Believe in a Dream'
  147. 'Giantland Big Bastard'
  148. 'Giantland Black Satin'
  149. 'Giantland Blue Banana'
  150. 'Giantland Blue Cheese'
  151. 'Giantland Blue Monday'
  152. 'Giantland Blue Monster'
  153. 'Giantland Butterfly Wings'
  154. 'Giantland Cup of Java'
  155. 'Giantland Curly Toes'
  156. 'Giantland Dash of Love'
  157. 'Giantland Date Night'
  158. 'Giantland Dawn's Glow'
  159. 'Giantland Elegance'
  160. 'Giantland Fiesta'
  161. 'Giantland First Scoop'
  162. 'Giantland Flubber'
  163. 'Giantland Freckles'
  164. 'Giantland Friends'
  165. 'Giantland Friends Forever'
  166. 'Giantland Garden Goddess'
  167. 'Giantland Gater Crater'
  168. 'Giantland Gatorback'
  169. 'Giantland Go Pack Go'
  170. 'Giantland Golden Dome'
  171. 'Giantland Golden Goddess'
  172. 'Giantland Gratitude'
  173. 'Giantland Green Tuesday'
  174. 'Giantland Halloween'
  175. 'Giantland Hearts on Fire'
  176. 'Giantland Honor Thy Father'
  177. 'Giantland Humpback'
  178. 'Giantland Ice Princess'
  179. 'Giantland Indy Bowl'
  180. 'Giantland Irish Cream'
  181. 'Giantland Irish Frost'
  182. 'Giantland Irish Mist'
  183. 'Giantland Iron Mouse'
  184. 'Giantland Jumbotron'
  185. 'Giantland Karma'
  186. 'Giantland King Triton'
  187. 'Giantland Lime-A-Rita'
  188. 'Giantland Love Under the Stars'
  189. 'Giantland Magic Wand'
  190. 'Giantland Matterhorn'
  191. 'Giantland Megalodon'
  192. 'Giantland Merci'
  193. 'Giantland Misty'
  194. 'Giantland Monster'
  195. 'Giantland Mother's Day'
  196. 'Giantland Mother's Love'
  197. 'Giantland Morning Sunshine'
  198. 'Giantland Mouse Cheese'
  199. 'Giantland My Sister Liz'
  200. 'Giantland Mystic'
  201. 'Giantland Neptune's Rings'
  202. 'Giantland Northern Escape'
  203. 'Giantland Now You See It'
  204. 'Giantland Ocean Fog'
  205. 'Giantland Our Dutch Friend'
  206. 'Giantland Pac-Man'
  207. 'Giantland Patron'
  208. 'Giantland Pay it Forward'
  209. 'Giantland Peeps'
  210. 'Giantland Pipsqueak'
  211. 'Giantland Play it Forward'
  212. 'Giantland Puckered Crevice'
  213. 'Giantland Royal Highness'
  214. 'Giantland Ruffle Skirt'
  215. 'Giantland Serenity'
  216. 'Giantland Skylight Bowl'
  217. 'Giantland Smitten'
  218. 'Giantland Sunny Mouse Ears'
  219. 'Giantland Symmetry'
  220. 'Giantland Tantilize'
  221. 'Giantland Thor'
  222. 'Giantland Thunderstorm'
  223. 'Giantland Tribble'
  224. 'Giantland Troublemaker'
  225. 'Giantland Truly an Honor'
  226. 'Giantland Tsunami'
  227. 'Giantland Twizzler'
  228. 'Giantland Velvet Moon'
  229. 'Giantland Warlock'
  230. 'Giantland Warrior'
  231. 'Giantland What the Hill Phil'
  232. 'Giantland Whirlpool'
  233. 'Giantland Whiskey River'
  234. 'Giantland Wild Thing'
  235. 'Giantland Winter Solstice'
  236. 'Giantland Wrinkled Shovel'
  237. 'Giantland Yellow Dome'
  238. 'Giantland Yellowstone'
  239. 'Giantland Zeus'
  240. 'Gift of Sight'
  241. 'Gift from God'
  242. 'Gig Harbor'
  243. 'Gigantea'
  244. 'Gigantor'
  245. 'Gigantosauris'
  246. 'Giggles'
  247. 'Giggling Greta'
  248. 'Gil Jones'
  249. 'Gil Jones Streaked'
  250. 'Gila River'
  251. 'Gilda'
  252. 'Gilded Cage'
  253. 'Gilded Cup'
  254. 'Gilded Dish'
  255. 'Gilded Teacup'
  256. 'Gilded Tiara'
  257. 'Gilding the Lily'
  258. 'Gilt by Association'
  259. 'Gilt Edge'
  260. 'Gin and Tonic'
  261. 'Gina'
  262. 'Gina Grandiflora'
  263. 'Ginba'
  264. 'Ginbuchi Tachi' (Muroya)
  265. 'Ginbuchi Tachi' (Ruh)
  266. 'Gingee'
  267. 'Ginger'
  268. 'Gingerbread'
  269. 'Ginkan'
  270. 'Ginko Craig'
  271. 'Ginkgo Craig'
  272. 'Ginny'
  273. 'Ginrei'
  274. 'Ginrin'
  275. 'Ginryu'
  276. 'Ginsu Knife'
  277. 'Ginsu Knife Supreme'
  278. 'Gismo'
  279. 'Gitchigumi'
  280. 'Give Me Room'
  281. 'Glacial Lake'
  282. 'Glacial Towers'
  283. 'Glacier'
  284. 'Glacier Cascade'
  285. 'Glad Rags'
  286. 'Glad Tidings'
  287. 'Gladbrook Glimmer'
  288. 'Gladiator'
  289. 'Glady's Holly'
  290. 'Glamour'
  291. 'Glass Hearts'
  292. 'Glass Slipper'
  293.  H. glauca
  294. 'Glauca Elegans'
  295. 'Glauca Stearn'
  296. 'Gleaming Glory'
  297. 'Glen Eyeful'
  298. 'Glen Eyeful Tower'
  299. 'Glen Fetish'
  300. 'Glen Lumenaria'
  301. 'Glen Ray'
  302. 'Glen Tiara'
  303. 'Glen Triumph'
  304. 'Glenora'
  305. 'Glimmer'
  306. 'Glitter'
  307. 'Glittering Prize'
  308. 'Glockenfunkie'
  309. 'Glockenspiel'
  310. 'Gloria Jean'
  311. 'Gloriosa'
  312. 'Glorious'
  313. 'Glorious Day'
  314. 'Glorious Gold'
  315. 'Glorious Grace'
  316. 'Glory'
  317. 'Glory Be'
  318. 'Glory Bee'
  319. 'Glory Days'
  320. 'Glory Hallelujah'
  321. 'Glossy Glory'
  322. 'Glossy Ruffles'
  323. 'Glowing Heart'
  324. 'Glowing Sparklers'
  325. 'Glydor'
  326. 'Gnarly Melon'
  327. 'Go Dorothy'
  328. 'Go Dorothy Go'
  329. 'Go for Broke'
  330. 'Go for the Green'
  331. 'Go-Go Mom'
  332. 'Goat Hollow'
  333. 'Goblin'
  334. 'Goddess of Athena'
  335. 'Goddess Sunburst'
  336. 'Godzilla'
  337. 'Gohon Matsu Fukurin'
  338. 'Going Bananas'
  339. 'Going Bonkers'
  340. 'Going Crazy'
  341. 'Going My Way'
  342. 'Going for Gold'
  343. 'Gold Angel'
  344. 'Gold Banner'
  346. 'Gold Blue Seer'
  347. 'Gold Bold'
  348. 'Gold Boullion'
  349. 'Gold Braid'
  350. 'Gold Brim'
  351. 'Gold Bug'
  352. 'Gold Button'
  353. 'Gold Cadet'
  354. 'Gold Chip'
  355. 'Gold Circle'
  356. 'Gold Coast' (P. Banyai)
  357. 'Gold Coast' (O'Harra)
  358. 'Gold Colleen'
  359. 'Gold Country'
  360. 'Gold Cover'
  1. 'Gold Crown'
  3. 'Gold Cup'
  4. 'Gold Digger'
  5. 'Gold Dorothy of Richland'
  6. 'Gold Drop'
  7. 'Gold Drop's Sister'
  8. 'Gold Edger'
  9. 'Gold Edger Supreme'
  10. 'Gold Edger Surprise'
  11. 'Gold Fever'
  12. 'Gold Finger'
  13. 'Gold Flush'
  14. 'Gold Glory'
  15. 'Gold Haze'
  16. 'Gold Heart'
  17. 'Gold Hearted Mouse'
  18. 'Gold High Fat Cream'
  19. 'Gold Horizon'
  20. 'Gold Imp'
  21. 'Gold in May'
  22. 'Gold Jewel'
  23. 'Gold June Moon'
  24. 'Gold Leaf'
  25. "Gold Margin"
  26. "Gold Margined Variety" H. plantaginea
  27. 'Gold Mark'
  28. 'Gold Nugget'
  29. 'Gold of Atlantis'
  30. 'Gold of Ophir'
  31. 'Gold Pan'
  32. 'Gold Pants'
  33. 'Gold Petite'
  34. 'Gold Point'
  35. 'Gold Piece'
  36. 'Gold Power'
  37. 'Gold Pressed Latinum'
  38. 'Gold Rags'
  39. 'Gold Rajah'
  40. 'Gold Regal'
  41. 'Gold Regal Margined'
  42. 'Gold Ribbon'
  43. 'Gold Ripple'
  44. 'Gold River'
  45. 'Gold Ruffles'
  46. 'Gold Rush'
  47. 'Gold Sagae'
  48. 'Gold Seer'
  49. 'Gold Spangles'
  50. 'Gold Spitfire'
  51. 'Gold Spoons'
  52. 'Gold Splash'
  53. 'Gold Spring'
  54. 'Gold Standard'
  55. 'Gold Star'
  56. 'Gold Strike'
  57. 'Gold Sunshine'
  58. 'Gold Thread'
  59. 'Gold Trinket'
  60. 'Gold Tsushima'
  61. 'Gold Tuffet'
  62. 'Gold Twist'
  63. 'Gold Vein'
  64. 'Gold Vision'
  65. 'Gold Wares'
  66. 'Gold Waves'
  67. 'Gold Wiggles'
  68. 'Gold Wing'
  69. 'Gold Wrinkles'
  70. 'Gold World Wisconsin'
  71. 'Golda'
  72. 'Goldbaby'
  73. 'Goldbrook'
  74. 'Goldbrook Form'
  75. 'Goldbrook Galleon'
  76. 'Goldbrook Gayle'
  77. 'Goldbrook Gaynor'
  78. 'Goldbrook Genie'
  79. 'Goldbrook Ghost'
  80. 'Goldbrook Girl'
  81. 'Goldbrook Glamour'
  82. 'Goldbrook Gleam'
  83. 'Goldbrook Glimmer'
  84. 'Goldbrook Glory'
  85. 'Goldbrook Gold'
  86. 'Goldbrook Good Gracious'
  87. 'Goldbrook Grace'
  88. 'Goldbrook Gratis'
  89. 'Goldbrook Grayling'
  90. 'Goldbrook Grebe'
  91. 'Goldbrook Greengage'
  92. 'Goldbrook Greenheart'
  93. 'Goldbrook Surprise'
  94. 'Golddukat'
  95. 'Goldee'
  96. 'Goldee's Flopsy Mopsy'
  97. 'Goldeir Kel'
  98. 'Golden', H. decorata
  99. 'Golden', H. nakaiana
  100. 'Golden Age'
  101. 'Golden Anniversary'
  102. 'Golden Arches'
  103. 'Golden Arrow'
  104. 'Golden Atlantis'
  105. 'Golden Ballerina'
  106. 'Golden Bouquet'
  107. 'Golden Bowls'
  108. 'Golden Boy'
  109. 'Golden Brigadier'
  110. 'Golden Bullion'
  111. 'Golden Canopy'
  112. 'Golden Cartwheels'
  113. 'Golden Cascade'
  114. 'Golden Cha Cha'
  115. 'Golden Chickie'
  116. 'Golden Child'
  117. 'Golden Chimes'
  118. 'Golden Cherub'
  119. 'Golden Circles'
  120. 'Golden Crinoline'
  121. 'Golden Crown'
  122. 'Golden Crust'
  123. 'Golden Dagger'
  124. 'Golden Daggers'
  125. 'Golden Dawn'
  126. 'Golden Days'
  127. 'Golden Decade'
  128. 'Golden Delight'
  129. 'Golden Dilli'
  130. 'Golden Discovery'
  131. 'Golden Dome'
  132. 'Golden Dorothy of Richland'
  133. 'Golden Dove'
  134. 'Golden Dwarf'
  135. 'Golden Eagle'
  136. 'Golden Eagle Supreme'
  137. 'Golden Emperor'
  138. 'Golden Empress'
  139. 'Golden Essence'
  140. 'Golden Expectation'
  141. 'Golden Eye'
  142. 'Golden Falls'
  143. 'Golden Fanfare'
  144. 'Golden Fantasma'
  145. 'Golden Fantastic'
  146. 'Golden Fantasy'
  147. 'Golden Fascination'
  148. 'Golden Flame'
  149. 'Golden Fleece'
  150. 'Golden Fluctuans'
  151. 'Golden Fountain'
  152. 'Golden Francee'
  153. 'Golden Friendship'
  154. 'Golden Frills'
  155. 'Golden Galleon'
  156. 'Golden Gate'
  157. 'Golden Gem'
  158. 'Golden Ghost'
  159. 'Golden Girl'
  160. 'Golden Glimmer'
  161. 'Golden Globe'
  162. 'Golden Gloves'
  163. 'Golden Goal'
  164. 'Golden Great Expectations'
  165. 'Golden Guernsey'
  166. 'Golden Halo'
  167. 'Golden Harmony'
  168. 'Golden Hawaiian Luau'
  169. 'Golden Hawk'
  170. 'Golden Haze'
  171. 'Golden Heron'
  172. 'Golden High'
  173. 'Golden High Fat Cream'
  174. 'Golden Hind'
  175. 'Golden Honey' (K. Anderson)
  176. 'Golden Honey' (Alan Lewis)
  177. 'Golden Honey' (Eric Smith)
  178. 'Golden Honey Ruffled'
  179. 'Golden Hypoleuca'
  180. 'Golden Isle' (Aden)
  181. 'Golden Isle' (Ruh)
  182. 'Golden Isle' (Eric Smith)
  183. 'Golden Jubilee'
  184. 'Golden June'
  185. 'Golden Kabitan'
  186. 'Golden Lance'
  187. 'Golden Longipes'
  188. 'Golden Magic Fire'
  189. 'Golden Maid'
  190. 'Golden Mammoth'
  191. 'Golden Maple'
  192. 'Golden Meadows'
  193. 'Golden Medallion'
  194. 'Golden Melody'
  195. 'Golden Memories'
  196. 'Golden Mist'
  197. 'Golden Mouse'
  198. 'Golden Nakaiana'
  199. 'Golden Needles'
  200. 'Golden Nolan'
  201. 'Golden Nugget'
  202. 'Golden Opportunity'
  203. 'Golden Oriole'
  204. 'Golden Parachutes'
  205. 'Golden Patrician'
  206. 'Golden Pearls'
  207. 'Golden Picture'
  208. 'Golden Piecrust'
  209. 'Golden Pixie'
  210. 'Golden Platters'
  211. 'Golden Plum'
  212. 'Golden Prayers'
  213. 'Golden Prayers West'
  214. 'Golden Princess'
  215. 'Golden Rajah'
  216. 'Golden Ripples'
  217. 'Golden Ruffles'
  218. 'Golden Rule'
  219. 'Golden Samurai'
  220. 'Golden Sands Supreme'
  221. 'Golden Scepter'
  222. 'Golden Sculpture'
  223. 'Golden Shimmer' (Joy Creek Nursery)
  224. 'Golden Shimmer' (Shaw)
  225. 'Golden Sieboldiana'
  226. 'Golden Simplicity'
  227. 'Golden Sir Prize'
  228. 'Golden Slippers'
  229. 'Golden Spades'
  230. 'Golden Spider'
  231. 'Golden Springtime'
  232. 'Golden Spritzer'
  233. 'Golden Substance'
  234. 'Golden Sunburst'
  235. 'Golden Surf'
  236. 'Golden Surprise'
  237. 'Golden Sweetie'
  238. 'Golden Tardiana'
  239. 'Golden Teacup'
  240. 'Golden the Great'
  241. 'Golden Thoughts'
  242. 'Golden Threads'
  243. 'Golden Tiara'
  244. 'Golden Tiers'
  245. 'Golden Tiger'
  246. 'Golden Tokudama'
  247. 'Golden Tongue'
  248. 'Golden Toad'
  249. 'Golden Torch'
  250. 'Golden Tower'
  251. 'Golden Tranquility'
  252. 'Golden Tsushimensis'
  253. 'Golden Tusk'
  254. 'Golden Twist'
  255. 'Golden Variegated'
  256. 'Golden Vase'
  257. 'Golden Ventricosa'
  258. 'Golden Waffles'
  259. 'Golden Wampum'
  260. 'Golden Wave'
  261. 'Golden Wheels'
  262. 'Golden Wiggler'
  263. 'Golden Years'
  264. 'Golden Zebra'
  265. 'Goldene Crinoline'
  266. 'Goldene Hochzeit'
  267. 'Goldene Woge'
  268. 'Goldeneye'
  269. 'Goldenwood'
  270. 'Goldfinch'
  271. 'Goldfinger'
  272. 'Goldfish'
  273. 'Goldie'
  274. 'Goldilocks' (Armstrong)
  275. 'Goldilocks' (Eric Smith)
  276. 'Goldkiki'
  277. 'Goldklaus'
  278. 'Goldkrote'
  279. 'Goldloffel'
  280. 'Goldmarie'
  281. 'Goldmine'
  282.  GOLDMINE
  283. 'Goldpfeil'
  284. 'Goldrand'
  285. 'Goldring'
  286. 'Goldronal Standard'
  287. 'Goldrush'
  288. 'Goldsmith'
  289. 'Goldstuck'
  290. 'Goldwichtel'
  291. 'Goldzirkel'
  292. 'Goliath'
  293. 'Gondola'
  294. 'Gone Fishin'
  295. 'Gone with the Wind'
  296. 'Gonokami-no-hagoromo'
  297. 'Gonokami-no-hana'
  298. 'Gonokami-no-sekirei'
  299. 'Gonokami-no-shiranami'
  300. 'Gonokami-no-shirokujaku'
  301. 'Gonokami-no-unkai'
  302. 'Goober'
  303. 'Good as Gold'
  304. 'Good Day Sunshine'
  305. 'Good Golly Miss Molly'
  306. 'Good Gracious'
  307. 'Good Heavens'
  308. 'Good Lovin'
  309. 'Good News'
  310. 'Good Night Irene'
  311. 'Good Times'
  312. 'Good Vibrations'
  313. 'Goodman's Pinky'
  314. 'Goodman's Short Folks'
  315. 'Goodness Gracious'
  316. 'Goodnight Gracie'
  317. 'Goody Goody'
  318. 'Gooseberry Sundae'
  319. 'Goosebumps'
  320. 'Gordon Square'
  321. 'Gordon's Great Scots'
  322. 'Gorgeous George'
  323. 'Gorgon'
  324. 'Gosan', H. takahaksii
  325. 'Gosan', H. tardiana
  326. 'Gosan Amelia'
  327. 'Gosan August Clouds'
  328. 'Gosan Gold Dust'
  329. 'Gosan Gold Medal'
  330. 'Gosan Gold Midget'
  331. 'Gosan Gold Mist'
  332. 'Gosan Gold Sword'
  333. 'Gosan Golden Dwarf'
  334. 'Gosan Green Cup'
  335. 'Gosan Green Heart'
  336. 'Gosan Hank'
  337. 'Gosan Hildegarde'
  338. 'Gosan Leather Strap'
  339. 'Gosan Lettuce'
  340. 'Gosan Line Up'
  341. 'Gosan Mike'
  342. 'Gosan Mina'
  343. 'Gosan Moon Skirt'
  344. 'Gosan Purple Line'
  345. 'Gosan Shining'
  346. 'Gosan Sigi Grey'
  347. 'Gosan Smoothie'
  348. 'Gosan Sunproof'
  349. 'Gotembe Nishiki'
  350. 'Gotham'
  351. 'Gothic 1'
  352. 'Gothic 4'
  353. 'Gothic Charm'
  354. 'Gothic Crown'
  355. 'Gotta Little Blues'
  356. 'Gottago'
  357. 'GPS'
  358. 'Grace Like Rain'
  359. 'Grace McClure'
  360. 'Grace Wins'
  1. 'Graceland' (Leonard Jones)
  2. 'Graceland' (Wasitis)
  3. 'Gracie Girl'
  4. 'Gracie's Pulpit'
  5. H. gracillima
  6. H. gracillima alba
  7. H. gracillima variegata
  8. 'Gracious Gold'
  9. 'Gracious Lady'
  10. 'Grain Belt Gold'
  11. 'Gramma Emmy'
  12. 'Gran Premio'
  13. 'Granada'
  14. 'Granary Gold'
  15. 'Grand Boys'
  16. 'Grand Calumet River'
  17. 'Grand Canyon'
  18. 'Grand Champion'
  19. 'Grand Finale'
  20. 'Grand Forks'
  21. 'Grand Gold'
  22. 'Grand Lady'
  23. 'Grand Marbled Cream'
  24. 'Grand Marmalade'
  25. 'Grand Marquee'
  26. 'Grand Master'
  27. 'Grand Maw JoAnn'
  28. 'Grand Monadnock'
  29. 'Grand One'
  30. 'Grand Opening'
  31. 'Grand Prix'
  32. 'Grand Prize'
  33. 'Grand Rapids'
  34. 'Grand Regal'
  35. 'Grand Slam'
  36. 'Grand Tetons'
  37. 'Grand Tiara'
  38. 'Grand Total'
  39. 'Grandaddy Boomer'
  40. 'Grandaddy Red Legs'
  41. 'Grandchild'
  42. 'Grandeur'
  43. 'Grandiflora'
  44. 'Grandflora Fragrant Pink'
  45. 'Grandflora Green Petiole'
  46. 'Grandflora Violet'
  47. 'Grandiflora'
  48. 'Grandma Burns'
  49. 'Grandma's Gem'
  50. 'Grandma's Krinkles'
  51. 'Grandma's Teacup'
  52. 'Grandma's Wrinkles'
  53. 'Grandpa's Love'
  54. 'Granite Hill'
  55. 'Granite Peak'
  56. 'Granny Sandy'
  57. 'Granny Smith'
  58. 'Granny's Blue Bonnet'
  59. 'Granny's Goosebumps'
  60. 'Granny's Rouge'
  61. 'Grant Park'
  62. 'Grant Wood's Trail'
  63. 'Grape Fizz'
  64. 'Grape Knee Hi'
  65. 'Grass'
  66. 'Grass Skirt'
  67. 'Grasshopper'
  68. 'Grateful Red'
  69. 'Grateful Red II'
  70. 'Gravitas'
  71. 'Gravity Rocks'
  72. 'Gray and Cole'
  73. 'Gray Beauty'
  74. 'Gray Bird'
  75. 'Gray Cole'
  76. 'Gray Cole Streaked'
  77. 'Gray Fox'
  78. 'Gray Leaf Dwarf'
  79. 'Gray Streaked Squiggles'
  80. 'Gray Under Need'
  81. 'Gray Wolf'
  82. 'Greased Lightning'
  83. 'Greased Pole'
  84. 'Great American Expectations'
  85. 'Great Arrival'
  86. 'Great Balls of Fire'
  87. 'Great Caesar's Ghost'
  88. 'Great Desire'
  89. 'Great Escape'
  90. 'Great Expectations'
  91. 'Great Expectations Blue'
  92. 'Great Grandfather'
  93. 'Great Lakes'
  94. 'Great Lakes Gold'
  95. 'Great Lakes Green'
  96. 'Great Lakes Lighthouse'
  97. 'Great Plains'
  98. 'Great River Sonata'
  99. 'Great Spirit'
  100. 'Great Surprise'
  101. 'Great Thatch Island'
  102. 'Great Village'
  103. 'Great Western Gap'
  104. 'Great White Spirit'
  105. 'Great White Way'
  106. 'Great White Whale'
  107. 'Greatest Mountain'
  108. 'Grecian Gold'
  109. 'Grecian Green'
  110. 'Grecian Lace'
  111. 'Grecian Lace Green'
  112. 'Grecian Vase'
  113. 'Green Acres'
  114. 'Green Angel'
  115. 'Green Army Man'
  116. 'Green Aspen'
  117. 'Green August Moon'
  118. 'Green Bag'
  119. 'Green Bay Green and Gold'
  120. 'Green Beatrice'
  121. 'Green Beret'
  122. 'Green Bikini'
  123. 'Green Blade'
  124. 'Green Blimp'
  125. 'Green Blue Angel'
  126. 'Green Bow'
  127. 'Green Cadet'
  128. 'Green Celebration'
  129. 'Green Charm'
  130. 'Green Cheese'
  131. 'Green Chilies'
  132. 'Green Christmas'
  133. 'Green Christmas Tree'
  134. 'Green Crispula'
  135. 'Green Cups'
  136. 'Green Decade'
  137. 'Green Delight'
  138. 'Green Dome'
  139. 'Green Dragon'
  140. 'Green Dragonet'
  141. 'Green Earth'
  142. 'Green Eclipse'
  143. 'Green Edger'
  144. 'Green Elf'
  145. 'Green Eye'
  146. 'Green Eyes'
  147. 'Green Fascination'
  148. 'Green Feather'
  149. 'Green Fingers'
  150. 'Green Flash'
  151. "Green Form", H. kikutii
  152. 'Green Formal'
  153. 'Green Fountain'
  154. 'Green Francee'
  155. 'Green Furrows'
  156. 'Green Gables'
  157. 'Green Geisha'
  158. 'Green Glitter'
  159. 'Green Goddess'
  160. 'Green Gold'
  161. 'Green Gold - All Green'
  162. 'Green Gold Glow'
  163. 'Green Grand Master'
  164. 'Green Guppy'
  165. 'Green Harbor'
  166. 'Green Harvest'
  167. 'Green Heart'
  168. 'Green Heron'
  169. 'Green Hills on the Lake'
  170. 'Green Hornet'
  171. 'Green Ice'
  172. 'Green Island'
  173. 'Green Ivory'
  174. 'Green Janet'
  175. 'Green Jeans' (Avent)
  176. 'Green Jeans' (Punnett)
  177. 'Green Joy'
  178. 'Green Kabitan'
  179. 'Green Kimono'
  180. 'Green Lady'
  181. 'Green Lama'
  182. 'Green Lantern'
  183. 'Green Lava'
  184. 'Green Leaves'
  185. 'Green Lime'
  186. 'Green Line'
  187. 'Green Lines'
  188. 'Green Machine'
  189. 'Green Marmalade'
  190. 'Green Mandarin'
  191. 'Green Mantle'
  192. 'Green Marmalade with Gold Edge'
  193. 'Green Meadow'
  194. 'Green Medallion'
  195. 'Green Melody'
  196. 'Green Milk'
  197. 'Green Moon'
  198. 'Green Mountain'
  199. 'Green Mouse Ears'
  200. 'Green Nature Lady'
  201. 'Green Nymph'
  202. 'Green Olive'
  203. 'Green on Green'
  204. 'Green Pan'
  205. 'Green Pastures'
  206. 'Green Piecrust'
  207. 'Green Pin Stripe Sister'
  208. 'Green Platter'
  209. 'Green Point'
  210. 'Green Power' (Ron Snyder)
  211. 'Green Power' (Van den Top)
  212. 'Green Puckered Up'
  213. 'Green Quarter'
  214. 'Green Rim Nugget'
  215. 'Green Ripples' (Hostapedia)
  216. 'Green Ripples' (F.Williams)
  217. 'Green River'
  218. 'Green River Sonata'
  219. 'Green Ruffles'
  220. 'Green Sand Pebbles'
  221. 'Green Satin'
  222. 'Green Saucers'
  223. 'Green Sheen'
  224. 'Green Skies'
  225. 'Green Sleeve'
  226. 'Green Sleeves'
  227. 'Green Smash'
  228. 'Green Snowcrust'
  229. 'Green So Sweet'
  230. 'Green Sparkler'
  231. 'Green Spitfire'
  232. 'Green Splash'
  233. 'Green Splish'
  234. 'Green Spot'
  235. 'Green Squiggles'
  236. 'Green Star'
  237. 'Green Starburst'
  238. 'Green Straps'
  239. 'Green Striptease'
  240. 'Green Summer Fragrance'
  241. 'Green Summer Music'
  242. 'Green Supreme'
  243. 'Green Surprise'
  244. 'Green Symphonie'
  245. 'Green Swirls'
  246. 'Green Swoosh'
  247. 'Green Thumb'
  248. 'Green Thunder'
  249. 'Green Town'
  250. 'Green Urchin'
  251. 'Green Valley'
  252. 'Green Velvet'
  253. 'Green Velveteen'
  254. 'Green Wave'
  255. 'Green Wavy'
  256. 'Green Wedge' (Shaw)
  257. 'Green Wedge' (Klehm)
  258. 'Green Weenie Bikini'
  259. 'Green Whirlwind'
  260. 'Green Whiskers'
  261. 'Green Widow'
  262. 'Green Wiggles'
  263. 'Green Wings'
  264. 'Green with Envy'
  265. 'Green Woodpecker'
  266. 'Green-eyed Monster'
  267. 'Greenback'
  268. 'Greenbush Line'
  269. 'Greenest of Twenty'
  270. 'Greenfinch'
  271. 'Greenhead Badger Blue'
  272. 'Greenhead Butterscotch Delight'
  273. 'Greenhead Center Court'
  274. 'Greenhead Charlie's Pride'
  275. 'Greenhead Golden Pineapple'
  276. 'Greenhead Grafton Blues'
  277. 'Greenhead Granny Smith'
  278. 'Greenhead Grey's Anatomy'
  279. 'Greenhead Hearts Ablaze'
  280. 'Greenheart'
  281. 'Greenie Obsceneie'
  282. 'Greenie Weenie'
  283. 'Greenie Weenie Bikini'
  284. 'Greenkeeper'
  285. 'Greensleeves'
  286. 'Greentown'
  287. 'Greenway'
  288. 'Greenwood'
  289. 'Gregory Ambrose Cleghorn'
  290. 'Gremlin'
  291. 'Greta'
  292. 'Gretchen' (Benedict)
  293. 'Gretchen' (Summers)
  294. 'Gretchen Harshbarger'
  295. 'Gretchen's Favorite'
  296. 'Gretchen's Grace'
  297. 'Gretchen's Rainbow'
  298. 'Grey Area'
  299. 'Grey Beauty'
  300. 'Grey Bird'
  301. 'Grey Cup Trophy'
  302. 'Grey Ghost'
  303. 'Grey Glacier'
  304. 'Grey Goose'
  305. 'Grey Leaf Dwarf'
  306. 'Grey Piecrust'
  307. 'Grey Poupon'
  308. 'Greybeard'
  309. 'Grim Grinning Ghost'
  310. 'Grimes Golden'
  311. 'Grizzly Bear'
  312. 'Groenveld'
  313. 'Groo Bloo'
  314. 'Groomsman'
  315. 'Groovy'
  316. 'Groovy Yellow'
  317. 'Ground Master'
  318. 'Ground Sulphur'
  319. 'Ground Waves'
  320. 'Grover Cleveland'
  321. 'Grumpy Toad'
  322. 'Grüne Dame'
  323. 'Grüne Riesenfunkie'
  324. 'Grünfink' or 'Gruenfink'
  325. 'Grünherz'
  326. 'Grünling'
  327. 'Grünspecht' or Gruenspecht
  328. 'G-Spot Tomato'
  329. 'G-Spot Tornado'
  330. 'Guacamole'
  331. 'Guacamole and Sour Cream'
  332. 'Guardian Angel'
  333. 'Guiding Light'
  334. 'Guidon'
  335. 'Guild Edge'
  336. 'Guilded Teacup'
  337. 'Guilt By Association'
  338. 'Gulf Drive'
  339. 'Gulf Hagas'
  340. 'Gullivar'
  341. 'Gum Drop'
  342. 'Gummy Bear'
  343. 'Gun Metal Blue'
  344. 'Gunmetal Blue'
  345. 'Gunpowder Falls'
  346. 'Gunsmoke'
  347. 'Gunther'
  348. 'Gunther's Circle'
  349. 'Gunther's Framework'
  350. 'Gunther's Prize'
  351. 'Gunther's Reward'
  352. 'Gunther's Rim'
  353. 'Gus'
  354. 'Gwendlyn'
  355. 'Gypsy Louise Strub'
  356. 'Gypsy Mouse Ears'
  357. 'Gypsy Rose'
  358. 'Gypsy Rose Tease'
  359. 'Gypsy's Boa'

The Hosta Helper
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