New hostas come about as the result of asexual changes in the genetics of a plant called sports or through sexual reproduction (seeds) involving human manipulation (hyrbridizing) or through random action of bees in the garden. Either way, the resulting plants share the DNA and physical traits of the parent plants which can be of interest to Hostaphiles. These plants are the ancestors or "Background" hostas for each cultivar.

Listed on these index pages are the over 15,000 hosta names in the Hosta Helper Database. For each of the names, we have tried to gather information on 10 categories related to a particular cultivar or species. These include its use as a pod parent, pollen parent or sport parent. The genetic background of the plant is included where known. Plants that are considered the "Same As" or are similar looking or which have similar sounding names have been added. Siblings which came from the same hybridizing cross or from a single batch of tissue culture sports are noted.

Also included may be certain "type" plants. For instance, many hostas are said to be Tardiana-like or a H. 'Sieboldiana' -type although their precise genetic background is not known.           [Site Map]

  1. "8270"
  2. "8413"
  3. '8th Wonder'
  4. 'Eagle'
  5. 'Eagle Bay'
  6. 'Eagle Bay Blue'
  7. 'Eagle Bay Phi Sim'
  8. 'Eagle Bay Prism'
  9. 'Eagle Creek Woods'
  10. 'Eagle Lake Overlook'
  11. 'Eagle Spirit'
  12. 'Eagle Wings'
  13. 'Eagles in Flight'
  14. 'Eagle's Nest'
  15. 'Eaglet'
  16. 'Ear of Rice'
  17. 'Earl of Essex'
  18. 'Early Dawn'
  19. 'Early Gold'
  20. 'Early Riser'
  21. 'Early Sunrise'
  22. 'Early Times'
  23. 'Early to Rise'
  24. 'Earth Angel'
  25. 'Earth Star'
  26. 'Earth, Wind, and Fire'
  27. 'Earthquake'
  28. 'Earthshine'
  29. 'East Wind'
  30. 'Easter Sunday'
  31. 'Eastern Spires'
  32. 'Easy Going'
  33. 'Easy Money'
  34. 'Easy To Love'
  35. 'Ebb Tide'
  36. 'Ebony and Ivory'
  37. 'Ebony Knight'
  38. 'Ebony Spires'
  39. 'Ebony Towers'
  40. 'Echigo Nishiki'
  41. 'Echo the Sun'
  42. 'Echoes'
  43. 'Eclipse'
  44.  ECLIPSE
  45. 'Eclipse of the Heart'
  46. 'Eclipse Power'
  47. 'Eco Mirror'
  48. 'Ed Ware'
  49. 'Eden's Ruff and Tuff'
  50. 'Edessa'
  51. 'Edgar Allen Poe'
  52. 'Edge of Dawn'
  53. 'Edge of Glenn'
  54. 'Edge of Might'
  55. 'Edge of Night'
  56. 'Edged PeeDee Dew Catcher'
  57. 'Edged Starburst'
  58. 'Edina Heritage'
  59. 'Edina Hornet'
  60. 'Edina King'
  61. 'Edina Queen'
  62. 'Edward 11'
  63. 'Edward Elslager'
  64. 'Edward Ward'
  65. 'Edward Wargo'
  66. 'Edwin Bibby'
  67. 'Eel River'
  68. 'Effervescence'
  69. 'Effervescent Love'
  70. 'Egg Scellent Choice'
  71. 'Eggs Benedict'
  72. 'Egret'
  73. 'Egypt Me'
  74. 'Egypt Me Too'
  75. 'Eiffel Tower'
  76. 'Eiga'
  77. 'Eiger'
  78. 'Eighth Wonder'
  79. 'Eikou Nishiki'
  80. 'Eireann'
  81. 'Eishin'
  82. 'Eiyo'
  83. 'El Capitan'
  84. 'El Dorado'
  85. 'El Nino'
  86. 'Elamae'
  87. 'Elata'
  88.  H. elata
  89. 'Elata Fountain'
  90. 'Elata Gigantea'
  91. 'Elata Hylander'
  92. 'Elata Wavy'
  93. 'Elatior'
  94. 'Elatior Falls'
  95. 'Elbe'
  96. 'Elbridge Gerry'
  97. 'Eldorado'
  98. 'Eleanor'
  99. 'Eleanor J. Reath'
  100. 'Eleanor Lachman'
  101. 'Eleanor Rigby'
  102. 'Eleanor Roosevelt'
  103. 'Electra'
  104. 'Electric Blue'
  105. 'Electric Eve'
  106. 'Electric Love'
  107. 'Electrifying'
  108. 'Electrocution'
  109. 'Electrocution Streaked'
  110. 'Electroglow'
  111. 'Electrum Stater'
  112. 'Elegans'
  113. 'Elegant Emperor'
  114. 'Elegant Touch'
  115. 'Elegant Wave'
  116. 'Elementary Genetics'
  117. 'Elephant Burgers'
  118. 'Elephant Ears'
  119. 'Elf Arrows'
  120. 'Elf Bonnet'
  1. 'Elf Rim'
  2. 'Elf Slippers'
  3. 'Elfin Charm'
  4. 'Elfin Cup'
  5. 'Elfin Power'
  6. 'Elfin Smoke'
  7. 'Elger'
  8. 'Elim Oasis'
  9. 'Elisabeth'
  10. 'Elizabeth'
  11. 'Elizabeth Banner'
  12. 'Elizabeth Campbell'
  13. 'Elizabeth DeBird'
  14. 'Elizabeth Ingolfsrud'
  15. 'Elizabeth Levy'
  16. 'Elkhart Lake'
  17. 'Elkhorn Prize'
  18. 'Ella Sedgwick'
  19. 'Ellen'
  20. 'Ellen Carder'
  21. 'Ellen F. Weissenberger'
  22. 'Ellerbroek'
  23. "Ellerbroek L-7"
  24. 'Ellie B'
  25. 'Ellie Bee'
  26. 'Ellie Marie'
  27. 'Ellie's Pygmy'
  28. 'Elp'
  29. 'Elp 2'
  30. 'Elrod'
  31. 'Elsie's Smile'
  32. 'Elsley'
  33. 'Elsley Japan'
  34. 'Elsley Runner'
  35. 'Elvis Lives'
  36. 'Elvis on Stage'
  37. 'Elwood'
  38. 'Embers Glow'
  39. 'Embraceable You'
  40. 'Embroidery'
  41. 'Embroidery Smooth'
  42. 'Emerald Blue Skies'
  43. 'Emerald Carpet'
  44. 'Emerald Cascade'
  45. 'Emerald Chalice'
  46. 'Emerald Charger'
  47. 'Emerald City'
  48. 'Emerald City Chick'
  49. 'Emerald Coast'
  50. 'Emerald Crater'
  51. 'Emerald Crown'
  52. 'Emerald Crust'
  53. 'Emerald Cushion'
  54. 'Emerald Edger'
  55. 'Emerald Elf'
  56. 'Emerald Emperor'
  57. 'Emerald Eyes'
  58. 'Emerald Forest'
  59. 'Emerald Gem'
  60. 'Emerald Green'
  61. 'Emerald Green Metallic'
  62. 'Emerald Hearts'
  63. 'Emerald Island'
  64. 'Emerald Isle'
  65. 'Emerald Lightning'
  66. 'Emerald Mist'
  67. 'Emerald Necklace'
  68. 'Emerald Paisley'
  69. 'Emerald Ripples'
  70. 'Emerald Ruff Cut'
  71. 'Emerald Scepter'
  72. 'Emerald Skies'
  73. 'Emerald Spade'
  74. 'Emerald Tiara'
  75. 'Emerald Treasure'
  76. 'Emerald Waters'
  77. 'Emerald Waves'
  78. 'Emeralds and Diamonds' (Malloy)
  79. 'Emeralds and Diamonds' (Stygall)
  80. 'Emeralds and Rubies'
  81. 'Emerson's Small One'
  82. 'Emily'
  83. 'Emily Dickinson'
  84. 'Emily Lynn Walsh'
  85. 'Eminence Grise'
  86. 'Eminent Domain'
  87. 'Emma'
  88. 'Emma Foster'
  89. 'Emma Miriam Brown'
  90. 'Emmaus'
  91. 'Emmitt Armitage'
  92. 'Emmett Kelly'
  93. 'Emoticon'
  94. 'Emperor's New Clothes'
  95. 'Empire State'
  96. 'Empress Wu'
  97. 'Ems Arrow'
  98. 'Ems Pfeil'
  99. 'Enchanted Forest'
  100. 'Enchanted Mist'
  101. 'Enchanting Eve'
  102. 'Enchantment'
  103. 'Enchantress'
  104. 'Enchiladas'
  105. 'Encore' (Aden)
  106. 'Encore' (Unknown)
  107. 'Encore' (Wilkins)
  108. 'Endearing Endeavor'
  109. 'Endless Gift'
  110. 'Endless Summer'
  111. 'Enduring Beacon'
  112. 'Enduring Charm'
  113. 'Enduring Endeavor'
  114. 'Engler'
  115. "Englerth T3"
  116. 'English Blue and Gold'
  117. 'English Sieboldiana'
  118. 'English Sunrise'
  119. 'Enigma'
  120. 'Enjoy Life'
  1. 'Enter the Dragon'
  2. 'Enterprise'
  3. 'Entranced'
  4. 'Entreat'
  5. 'Envy'
  6. 'Eola Salad Bowl'
  7. 'Eola Sapphire'
  8. 'Eos' (Ullrich Fischer)
  9. 'Eos' (Malloy)
  10. 'Ephemeral Lace'
  11. 'Ephemeral Sunshine'
  12. 'Epic Blue Titan'
  13. 'Epic Blue Wave'
  14. 'Epic Cosmic Union'
  15. 'Epic Frills'
  16. 'Epic Neon Creme'
  17. 'Epiphany'
  18. 'Equestrienne'
  19. 'Equinox'
  20. 'Equoia'
  21. 'Erection'
  22. 'Eric'
  23. 'Eric Smith'
  24. 'Eric's Gold'
  25. 'Erie'
  26. 'Erie Blue'
  27. 'Erie Canal'
  28. 'Erie Magic'
  29. 'Erikson Debut'
  30. 'Erikson Encore'
  31. 'Erromena'
  32. 'Eros'
  33. 'Erotica'
  34. 'Error Apparent'
  35. 'Ersatz'
  36. 'Eruption'
  37. 'Eshushimensis'
  38. 'Eskimo Pie'
  39. 'Espresso'
  40. 'Essence of Paradise'
  41. 'Essence of Summer'
  42. 'Essence of Sunset'
  43. 'Essence of Sunshine'
  44. 'Estelle Aden'
  45. 'Esther's Dream'
  46. 'Estrellita'
  47. 'ET'
  48. 'Etched Glass'
  49. 'Eternal Father'
  50. 'Eternal Fire'
  51. 'Eternal Flame'
  52. 'Eternity'
  53. 'Étoile de Mer'
  54. 'Eun Ha'
  55. 'Eunice Choice'
  56. 'Eunice Fisher'
  57. 'Euphoria'
  58. 'Eureka Lodestar'
  59. 'Eva'
  60. 'Evelyn McCafferty'
  61. 'Evening Blush'
  62. 'Evening Gown'
  63. 'Evening Inferno'
  64. 'Evening Magic'
  65. 'Evening Prayers'
  66. 'Evening Shade'
  67. 'Evening Shadows'
  68. 'Evening Star'
  69. 'Eve's Little Blue'
  70. 'Eventide'
  71. 'Everglades'
  72. 'Everlasting Love'
  73. 'Everlasting Love and Bliss'
  74. 'Evil Woman'
  75. 'Ewa Yoto Moto'
  76. 'Exaltation'
  77. 'Excalibur'
  78. 'Excellent Candy'
  79. 'Exceptional'
  80. 'Excitation'
  81. 'Excuse Me'
  82. 'Exotic Blue Skies'
  83. 'Exotic Dancer'
  84. 'Exotic Frances Williams'
  85. 'Exotic Presentation'
  86. 'Exotic Treasure'
  87. "Exp 36"
  88. "Exp 136"
  89. 'Expensive'
  90. 'Explorer'
  91. 'Exquisite'
  92. 'Extasy'
  93. 'Extreme'
  94. 'Extreme Lines'
  95. 'Extrovert'
  96. 'Exuberant'
  97. 'Exultation'
  98. 'Eye Candy'
  99. 'Eye Catcher'
  100. 'Eye Declare'
  101. 'Eye Never'
  102. 'Eye of the Dragon'
  103. 'Eye of the Hurricane'
  104. 'Eye of the Storm'
  105. 'Eye of the Tiger'

The Hosta Helper
Copyright © 1998 -