New hostas come about as the result of asexual changes in the genetics of a plant called sports or through sexual reproduction (seeds) involving human manipulation (hyrbridizing) or through random action of bees in the garden. Either way, the resulting plants share the DNA and physical traits of the parent plants which can be of interest to Hostaphiles. These plants are the ancestors or "Background" hostas for each cultivar.

Listed on these index pages are the over 15,000 hosta names in the Hosta Helper Database. For each of the names, we have tried to gather information on 10 categories related to a particular cultivar or species. These include its use as a pod parent, pollen parent or sport parent. The genetic background of the plant is included where known. Plants that are considered the "Same As" or are similar looking or which have similar sounding names have been added. Siblings which came from the same hybridizing cross or from a single batch of tissue culture sports are noted.

Also included may be certain "type" plants. For instance, many hostas are said to be Tardiana-like or a H. 'Sieboldiana' -type although their precise genetic background is not known.           [Site Map]

  1. 'C.C. Ryder'
  2. 'C.D.F.'
  3. 'Cabaret'
  4. 'Cabaret Voltaire'
  5. 'Cabin Boy'
  6. 'Cabin Fever'
  7. 'Cadence'
  8. 'Cadillac'
  9. 'Cadiz Springs'
  10.  H. caerulea
  11.  H. caerulea latifolia
  12. 'Caesar'
  13. 'Caesar Augustus'
  14. 'Caesar Salad'
  15. 'Caid Man'
  16. 'Cair Paravel'
  17. 'Cajun Sunrise'
  18. 'Cajun Surprise'
  19. 'Calamity Jane'
  20. 'Calea Autumn'
  21. 'Caliban'
  22. 'Calico Cat' (Duback)
  23. 'Calico Cat' (Ward)
  24. 'Calico Mouse Ears'
  25. 'California Dreamin'
  26. 'California Gold Rush'
  27. 'Call of the Wild'
  28. H. calliantha
  29. 'Cally Atom'
  30. 'Cally Colossus'
  31. 'Cally Strain'
  32. 'Cally White'
  33. 'Calm before the Storm'
  34. 'Calypso'
  35. 'Calypso Beat'
  36. 'Cambria Blue'
  37. 'Camelot'
  38. 'Cameo'
  39. 'Camouflage'
  40.  H. campanulata
  41. 'Campfire'
  42. 'Canadian Blue'
  43. 'Canadian Foreign Affairs'
  44. 'Canadian Shield'
  45. 'Canadian Whirls'
  46. 'Canary Diamond'
  47. 'Canby'
  48. 'Candelabra'
  49. 'Candle Glow'
  50. 'Candle in the Dark'
  51. 'Candle Wax'
  52. 'Candlelight'
  53. 'Candlewood'
  54. 'Candy Box'
  55. 'Candy Cane'
  56. 'Candy Dish' (Hawes)
  57. 'Candy Dish' (Housworth)
  58. 'Candy Dish' (Summers)
  59. 'Candy Hearts'
  60. 'Candy Kisses'
  61. 'Candy Striper'
  62. 'Cantabi'
  63. 'Canterbury Tales'
  64. 'Cape Cod'
  65. 'Cape Elizabeth Light'
  66. H. capitata
  67. 'Capitol Dome'
  68. 'Capitol Hill'
  69. 'Capricorn'
  70. 'Captain'
  71. 'Captain Adventure'
  72. 'Captain America'
  73. 'Captain Atom'
  74. 'Captain Kirk'
  75. 'Captain Picard'
  76. 'Captain Teach'
  77. 'Captain's Adventure'
  78. 'Captain's Canopy'
  79. 'Caput Avis-Leucantha'
  80. 'Caravan'
  81. 'Cardboard'
  82. 'Carder Blue' (AHS)
  83. 'Carder Blue' (Summers)
  84. 'Cardiac'
  85. 'Cardwell Yellow'
  86. 'Carefree'
  87. 'Carin's Wedding'
  88. 'Carisa Nichole'
  89. 'Carl'
  90. 'Carl A. Francis'
  91. 'Carl Calderaras Hybrid'
  92. 'Carmen Ohio'
  93. 'Carnival'
  94. 'Carol'
  95. 'Carol and Martin'
  96. 'Carol Marie'
  97. 'Carol's August Halo'
  98. 'Carol's Sister'
  99. 'Carolina Blue'
  100. 'Carolina Keepsake'
  101. 'Carolina Moon'
  102. 'Carolina Sunshine'
  103. 'Carolingian'
  104. 'Carolyn on the Edge'
  105. 'Carousel'
  106. 'Carpathian Green Fields'
  107. 'Carpenter's Gold'
  108. 'Carriage Wheels'
  109. 'Carrie' (Livingston)
  110. 'Carrie' (Stone)
  111. 'Carrie Ann'
  112. 'Carried Away'
  113. 'Carry On'
  114. 'Carson'
  115. 'Cartwheels'
  116. 'Carved Complexity'
  117. 'Caryl's Fancy'
  118. 'Casablanca'
  119. 'Cascade Mist'
  120. 'Cascade Range'
  121. 'Cascades'
  122. 'Cascades Streaked'
  123. 'Cascading Waters'
  124. 'Cassandra'
  125. 'Cassanova'
  126. 'Casting Crowns'
  127. 'Castle Rock'
  128. 'Cat and Mouse' (Bastille)
  129. 'Cat and Mouse' (Hans Hansen)
  130. 'Cat in the Hat'
  131. 'Cat Scratch Fever'
  132. 'Cat Whiskers'
  133. 'Cat's Claw'
  134. 'Cat's Eye'
  135. 'Cat's Eyes'
  136. 'Cat's Meow'
  137. 'Catalpa Rock'
  138. 'Catch of the Day'
  139. 'Catcher's Mit'
  140. 'Cathayana'
  141.  H. cathayana
  142.  H. cathayana variegata
  143. 'Cathedral'
  144. 'Cathedral of Learning'
  145. 'Cathedral Windows'
  146. 'Catherine'
  147. 'Catherine Ann'
  148. 'Catherine the Great'
  149. 'Cathy Late'
  150. 'Cathy's Clown' (Unknown)
  151. 'Cathy's Clown' (Wasitis)
  152. 'Cathy's Splender'
  153. 'Catskill'
  154. 'Cauduca Sagosku'
  155. 'Cavalcade'
  156. 'Cease Fire'
  157. 'Cedar River'
  158. 'Celadon Rainbow'
  159. 'Celadon Treasure'
  160. 'Celebration'
  161. 'Celebration of Angels'
  162. 'Celebrity'
  163. 'Celery Satin'
  164. 'Celestial'
  165. 'Celestial Lightning'
  166. 'Celestial Sea Glass'
  167. 'Celtic Bouquet'
  168. 'Celtic Dancer'
  169. 'Celtic Realm'
  170. 'Celtic Upland'
  171. 'Celtic Warrior'
  172. 'Cemetery Road'
  173. 'Centennial'
  174. 'Center Glow'
  175. 'Center of Attention'
  176. 'Center Stage'
  177. 'Centerfold'
  178. 'Century One'
  179. 'Ceres'
  180. 'Cerulean Lagoon'
  181. 'Cerulean Magic'
  182. 'Cerveza'
  183. 'C'est Magnifique'
  184. 'Cha Cha'
  185. 'Cha Cha Cha'
  186. 'Chabo Unazuki'
  187. 'Chado'
  188. 'Chain Lightning'
  189. 'Chairman of the Board'
  190. 'Chalice Cup'
  191. 'Chalice of Gold'
  192. 'Challenger'
  193. 'Chameleon' (Caprice Nursery)
  194. 'Chameleon' (England)
  195. 'Chameleon' (Eric Smith)
  196. 'Champ'
  197. 'Champagne'
  198. 'Champagne and Cavier'
  199. 'Champagne for All'
  200. 'Champagne Taste'
  201. 'Champagne Toast'
  202. 'Champion'
  203. 'Chance Encounter'
  204. 'Chances Aint'
  205. 'Chances Are'
  206. 'Change of Heart'
  207. 'Change of Tradition'
  208. 'Change of Venue'
  209. 'Changeling'
  210. 'Changing Light'
  211. 'Changing Moods'
  212. 'Chantes Dark Emerald'
  213. 'Chanticleer'
  214. 'Chantilly Lace'
  215. 'Chariot Wheels'
  216. 'Chariots of Fire'
  217. 'Charisma'
  218. 'Charity'
  219. 'Charldon'
  220. 'Charlemagne'
  221. 'Charles'
  222. 'Charlie'
  223. 'Charlie Jane'
  224. 'Charlie John'
  225. 'Charlies's Angels'
  226. 'Charlebois'
  227. 'Charlotte'
  228. 'Charlotte Holman'
  229. 'Charlotte's Web'
  230. 'Charm'
  231. 'Charon'
  232. 'Chart Topper'
  233. 'Chartreuse'
  234. 'Chartreuse Domes'
  235. 'Chartreuse Edger'
  236. 'Chartreuse Fountain'
  237. 'Chartreuse Piecrust'
  238. 'Chartreuse Ruffles'
  239. 'Chartreuse Spoons'
  240. 'Chartreuse Waves'
  241. 'Chartreuse Wedge'
  242. 'Chartreuse Wiggles'
  243. "Chastain Seedling 04 B1"
  244. "Chastain Seedling 10"
  245. "Chastain Seedling 9-14-7"
  246. "Chastain Seedling BSR 3-21-2"
  247. "Chastain Seedling LB 10"
  248. "Chastain Seedling LBSR"
  249. "Chastain Seedling LN 68"
  250. 'Chat et Souris'
  251. 'Chatham Harbormaster'
  252. 'Chatham Lightkeeper'
  253. 'Cheatin Heart'
  254. 'Checkerboard'
  255. 'Checkerboard II'
  256. 'Checkered Cab'
  257. 'Cheerful'
  258. 'Cheery Charley'
  259. 'Cheese Ball'
  260. 'Cheese Louise'
  261. 'Cheesecake'
  263. 'Cheesehead'
  264. 'Cheesehead No. 1'
  265. 'Cheiju'
  266. 'Chelsea' (England)
  267. 'Chelsea' (Hadrava)
  268. 'Chelsea Babe'
  269. 'Chelsea Blue'
  270. 'Chelsea Ore'
  271. 'Cherish'
  272. 'Cherokee'
  273. 'Cherries a la Mode'
  274. 'Cherries Jubilee'
  275. 'Cherry Berry'
  276. 'Cherry Berry 5'
  277. 'Cherry Berry Streaked'
  278. 'Cherry Bomb'
  279. 'Cherry Flip'
  280. 'Cherry Garcia'
  281. 'Cherry Pie'
  282. 'Cherry Red'
  283. 'Cherry Tart'
  284. 'Cherry Tart Surprise'
  285. 'Cherry Tomato'
  286. 'Cherub'
  287. 'Chesapeake Bay'
  288. 'Chesieres Green Christmas'
  289. 'Chesieres Jasmin's Hope'
  290. 'Chesieres Mountain Lights'
  291. 'Chesieres September Frost'
  292. 'Chesieres Yellow Masquerade'
  293. 'Chester'
  294. 'Chesterland Gold'
  295. 'Chesterland Mystery'
  296. 'Cheyenne'
  297. 'Cheyenne Morning'
  298. 'Chi-Town Classic'
  299. 'Chibae'
  300. 'Chibai'
  301. 'Chic Boutique'
  302. 'Chicago Blues'
  303. 'Chicago Frances Williams'
  304. 'Chichibu'
  305. 'Chichibun'
  306. 'Chichibu Genso Iwa'
  307. 'Chichibu-no-Hana'
  308. 'Chichibu-no-Hana-Iwa'
  309. 'Chichibu-no-mikado Iwa'
  310. 'Chickadee' (Avent)
  311. 'Chickadee' (Benedict)
  312. 'Chickasaws'
  313. 'Chicken'
  314. 'Chicken Little'
  315. 'Chickenhearted'
  316. 'Chickie Dix'
  317. 'Chick's Wannabe'
  318. 'Chief Cornstalk'
  319. 'Chief Crazy Horse'
  320. 'Chief Killbuck'
  321. 'Chief Little Turtle'
  322. 'Chief Sitting Bull'
  323. 'Chief Thundercloud'
  324. 'Chief White Cloud'
  325. 'Chief Yellow Head'
  326. 'Chiemsee Angel'
  327. 'Chiemsee Blaue Taube'
  328. 'Chiemsee Class'
  329. 'Chiemsee Crushed Substance'
  330. 'Chiemsee Eisvogel'
  331. 'Chiemsee Glimmer'
  332. 'Chiemsee Gold'
  333. 'Chiemsee Harlekin'
  334. 'Chiemsee Kingfisher'
  335. 'Chiemsee Madonna'
  336. 'Chiemsee Mica'
  337. 'Chiemsee Ridiculous'
  338. 'Chiemsee Schätzchen'
  339. 'Chiemsee Standard'
  340. 'Chiemsee Surprise'
  341. 'Chiemsee Tricky Twiggie'
  342. 'Chiemsee Twister'
  343. 'Chiemsee Weihnachtssport'
  344. 'Chiffon' (P. Banyai)
  345. 'Chiffon' (O'Harra)
  1. 'Child of the Queen'
  2. 'Childhood Fantasy'
  3. 'Childhood Sweetheart'
  4. 'Chili Fries'
  5. 'Chiller'
  6. 'Chillin'
  7. 'Chimney Rock'
  8. 'China Doll'
  9. 'China Girl'
  10. 'China Gold'
  11. 'Chinchilla Blue'
  12. 'Chinese Dragon'
  13. 'Chinese Dragon Streak'
  14. 'Chinese Dragon Streaked Sport'
  15. 'Chinese Dragon Supreme'
  16. 'Chinese Gold'
  17. 'Chinese Jade'
  18. 'Chinese Sunrise'
  19. 'Chinese Sunset'
  20. 'Chingban Yu-san'
  21. 'Chingbanyuzan'
  22. 'Chionea'
  23. 'Chippewa' (Arett)
  24. 'Chippewa' (Wade)
  25. 'Chiquita'
  26. 'Chirifu'
  27. 'Chirifu Hime Tokudama'
  28. 'Chirifu Oba'
  29. 'Chirifu Ogon Himetokudama'
  30. 'Chirifu Shima Ryusei'
  31. 'Chirifu Tochigi'
  32. 'Chirp'
  33. 'Chishima'
  34. 'Chishima Gibōshi'
  35. 'Chishima Iwa'
  36. 'Chivalry'
  37. 'Chocolate Mint'
  38. 'Chocolate Ripple'
  39. 'Chocolate Soldier'
  40. 'Choctaw'
  41. 'Chodai Ginba'
  42. 'Chodai Ginyo'
  43. 'Choko Nishiki'
  44. 'Choo Choo Train'
  45. 'Chopstick Bridge'
  46. 'Chopsticks'
  47. 'Chorus Girl'
  48. 'Chris'
  49. 'Chris’ A Lalalala Long'
  50. 'Chris' Blinding Light'
  51. 'Chris' Bluemania'
  52. 'Chris' China Star'
  53. 'Chris’ Darkest Purple'
  54. 'Chris' Flashdance'
  55. 'Chris' Fufu'
  56. 'Chris’ Little Jewel'
  57. 'Chris’ Little Watermelon'
  58. 'Chris' Long Lines'
  59. 'Chris' Long Sword'
  60. 'Chris' Mars Expedition'
  61. 'Chris' Misty Prize'
  62. 'Chris' Moving Ruffles'
  63. 'Chris' No. 1'
  64. 'Chris' Pale Winner'
  65. 'Chris' Pinky Present'
  66. 'Chris' Red Lightning'
  67. 'Chris' Skinny Love'
  68. 'Chris' Small Talk'
  69. 'Chris' Time After Time'
  70. 'Chris' Tropical Sundown'
  71. 'Chris' Up and Down'
  72. 'Chris' Westfalen Beauty'
  73. 'Chris' Westside Story'
  74. 'Chris' Yellow Love'
  75. 'Chris' Yellow Ruffles'
  76. 'Christmas Candy'
  77. 'Christmas Charm'
  78. 'Christmas Cheer'
  79. 'Christmas Cookies'
  80. 'Christmas Cup'
  81. 'Christmas Dome'
  82. 'Christmas Eve'
  83. 'Christmas Gift'
  84. 'Christmas Gold'
  85. 'Christmas Green'
  86. 'Christmas Island'
  87. 'Christmas Jewel'
  88. 'Christmas Lights'
  89. 'Christmas Ornament'
  90. 'Christmas Pageant'
  91. 'Christmas Party'
  92. 'Christmas Song'
  93. 'Christmas Sports'
  94. 'Christmas Stockings'
  95. 'Christmas Surprise'
  96. 'Christmas Tart'
  97. 'Christmas Tree'
  98. 'Christmas Tree Gala'
  99. 'Christmas Tree Streaked'
  100. 'Christmas White'
  101. 'Christopher Wayne'
  102. 'Chromosphere'
  103. 'Chuck's Sweetheart'
  104. 'Church Mouse'
  105. 'Chutzpah'
  106. 'Ciandra'
  107. 'Cinderella'
  108. 'Cinnabon'
  109. 'Cinnamon and Sugar'
  110. 'Cinnamon Bun'
  111. 'Cinnamon Sticks'
  112. 'Cinnamon Twist'
  113. 'Circle of Friends'
  114. 'Circle of Light'
  115. 'Circular Saw'
  116. 'Circus Clown'
  117. 'Cirrus Clouds'
  118. 'Citation'
  119. 'Citratini'
  120. 'Citric Star'
  122. 'City Boy'
  123. 'City Dog'
  124. 'City Lights'
  125. 'City Rat'
  126. 'City Slicker'
  127. 'Civil War'
  128. 'Clambake'
  129. 'Clap Your Hands'
  130. 'Claire de Lune'
  131. 'Clarence'
  132. 'Clarence Nance'
  133. 'Clarence Owens'
  134. 'Claridon'
  135. 'Class Act'
  136. 'Classic Delight'
  137. 'Clattering Water'
  138. 'Claudia'
  139.  H. clausa
  140.  H. clausa clausa
  141.  H. clausa ensata
  142.  H. clausa normalis
  143.  H. clausa stolonifera
  144.  H. clavata
  145. 'Clayton Burkey'
  146. 'Clean Green'
  147. 'Clean Lines'
  148. 'Clean Shave'
  149. 'Clear Fork Blue'
  150. 'Clear Fork River Valley'
  151. 'Clear Skies'
  152. 'Clearfork Blue'
  153. 'Clearfork Delight'
  154. 'Clearfork Glory'
  155. 'Clearfork Green'
  156. 'Clem Kaddlehopper'
  157. 'Clementine'
  158. 'Cleopatra'
  159. 'Clifford's Broken Heart'
  160. 'Clifford's Comet'
  161. 'Clifford's Forest Fire'
  162. 'Clifford's Polar Moon'
  163. 'Clifford's Stingray'
  164. 'Climax'
  165. 'Clokei'
  166. 'Cloretta'
  167. 'Cloud 9'
  168. 'Cloud Illusions'
  169. 'Cloud Lime'
  170. 'Cloud Nine'
  171. 'Cloud Sweeper'
  172. 'Cloudburst'
  173. 'Cloudburst Streaked'
  174. 'Clouded Skies'
  175. 'Cloudy Skies'
  176. 'Clovelly'
  177. 'Clown'
  178. 'Clown Belly'
  179. 'Clown College'
  180. 'Clown's Collar'
  181. 'Clown's Sister'
  182. 'Clue'
  183. 'Clusterfest'
  184. 'Clyde Crockett'
  185. 'Clyde Redux'
  186. 'Clyde's Birthday'
  187. 'Coach Beets Dotson'
  188. 'Coach Jim Brainerd'
  189. 'Coach Jim Fox'
  190. 'Coach Millboy Miller'
  191. 'Coach Paul Castro'
  192. 'Coach Terry Paustian'
  193. 'Coal Black'
  194. 'Coal Miner'
  195. 'Coast to Coast'
  196. 'Coastal Crinkles'
  197. 'Coastal Dragonera'
  198. 'Coastal Golden Phoenix'
  199. 'Coastal Sand Colors'
  200. 'Coastal Treasure'
  201. 'Coastal Tropical Fish'
  202. 'Coat of Many Colors'
  203. 'Cobblestones'
  204. 'Cobra'
  205. 'Cobra's Lair'
  206. 'Cochato Creek'
  207. 'Cochato Red Silk Stocking'
  208. 'Cochato White Robin'
  209. 'Coconut Custard'
  210. 'Cockroach Island'
  211. 'Cocky Junior'
  212. 'Code Blue'
  213. 'Code Red'
  214. 'Cody'
  215. 'Coerulea'
  216. 'Coffee Break'
  217. 'Cogleywood'
  218. 'Cognac'
  219. 'Cohasset Harbormaster'
  220. 'Cojocabana'
  221. 'Cold Heart'
  222. 'Coldness No. 1'
  223. 'Coldness No. 5'
  224. 'Colesburg Blue'
  225. 'Colesburg Crocodile'
  226. 'Colesburg Danielle Marie'
  227. 'Colesburg Frogger'
  228. 'Colesburg Julia Lynn'
  229. 'Colesburg Loren Zilke'
  230. 'Colesburg Loren's Edge'
  231. 'Colesburg Sonny Boy'
  232. 'Colesburg Tyler John'
  233. 'Colesburg Wiggles'
  234. 'Colin P. Cleghorn'
  235. 'Collective Charm'
  236. 'Collector's Banner'
  237. 'Collector's Choice'
  238. 'Collector's Dream'
  239. 'Collector's Gold'
  240. 'Collector's Wall Street'
  241. 'Colleen Marie'
  242. 'Colleen's Heart'
  243. 'College'
  244. 'Colonel Murphy'
  245. 'Color Accent'
  246. 'Color Accord'
  247. 'Color a la Mode'
  248. 'Color Conundrum'
  249. 'Color Design'
  250. 'Color Fairy'
  251. 'Color Fantasy'
  252. 'Color Festival'
  253. 'Color Glory' (Aden)
  254. 'Color Glory' (Sieboldiana)
  255. 'Color Guard'
  256. 'Color Magic'
  257. 'Color Me Pretty'
  258. 'Color Me Yellow'
  259. 'Color My World'
  260. 'Color Parade'
  261. 'Color Revolt'
  262. 'Color Riot'
  263. 'Color Splash'
  264. 'Colorado River'
  265. 'Colored Cascade'
  266. 'Colored Hulk'
  267. 'Colored Lollipop'
  268. 'Colored Muffin'
  269. 'Colorific'
  270. 'Colors in Motion'
  271. 'Colorful Sister'
  272. 'Colossal'
  273. 'Colossus'
  274. 'Columbia'
  275. 'Columbus Circle'
  276. 'Columbus Treasure'
  277. 'Comanche'
  278. 'Combined Elegance'
  279. 'Comeuppance'
  280. 'Command Performance' (Hostapedia)
  281. 'Command Performance' (Janssen)
  282. 'Commander'
  283. 'Commander Adama'
  284. 'Commander Cody'
  285. 'Commando'
  286. 'Commotion'
  287. 'Community Chest'
  288. 'Compadre'
  289. 'Compadre Gold'
  290. 'Compass Point'
  291. 'Compass Rose'
  292. 'Computer Blue'
  293. 'Con Te Partiro'
  294. 'Concord'
  295. 'Concordia Petite'
  296. 'Concrete Mixer'
  297. 'Concubine First Class'
  298. 'Condor'
  299. 'Conehead'
  300. 'Confetti Cup'
  301. 'Conflicted'
  302. 'Confused'
  303. 'Confused Angel'
  304. 'Congratulations'
  305. 'Connecticut River'
  306. 'Connie'
  307. 'Connie Sue's Laurel'
  308. 'Connie Sun'
  309. 'Conquistador'
  310. 'Cons Narrow'
  311. 'Considering Concordville'
  312. 'Constillation Andromeda'
  313. 'Constitution'
  314. 'Contender'
  315. 'Continental'
  316. 'Continental Divide'
  317. 'Contort'
  318. 'Contorted Dragon'
  319. 'Contortionist'
  320. 'Contrary Wind'
  321. 'Conundrum'
  322. 'Conventional Loss'
  323. 'Conversation Piece'
  324. 'Convexity'
  325. 'Convivial'
  326. 'Cook'
  327. 'Cookie Crumbs'
  328. 'Cookie Monster'
  329. 'Cool As A Cucumber'
  330. 'Cool Black'
  331. 'Cool Blue'
  332. 'Cool Cat'
  333. 'Cool Change'
  334. 'Cool Dreams'
  335. 'Cool Hand Cam'
  336. 'Cool Hand Luke'
  337. 'Cool Mistress'
  338. 'Cool Mouse'
  339. 'Cool Waters'
  340. 'Cooltini'
  341. 'Copa Cabana'
  342. 'Copenhagen Blue'
  343. 'Copper Falls'
  344. 'Coquette'
  345. 'Cora Marie'
  1. 'Cordelia'
  2. 'Corduroy'
  3. 'Corkscrew'
  4. 'Corn Belt'
  5. 'Corn Muffins'
  6. 'Cornbread'
  7. 'Cornerstone'
  8. 'Corona' (Braun-Nauerz)
  9. 'Corona' (Hostapedia)
  10. 'Coronation'
  11. 'Corryvreckan'
  12. 'Cortland'
  13. 'Cory's Beauty'
  14. 'Cory's Sweetheart'
  15. 'Cosmic Angel Wings'
  16. 'Cosmic Arrowhead'
  17. 'Cosmic Baby'
  18. 'Cosmic Beer Brat'
  19. 'Cosmic Blaze'
  20. 'Cosmic Blue'
  21. 'Cosmic Blue Seas'
  22. 'Cosmic Blueberry'
  23. 'Cosmic Breeder'
  24. 'Cosmic Brew'
  25. 'Cosmic Brother'
  26. 'Cosmic Buddy'
  27. 'Cosmic Charmer'
  28. 'Cosmic Confetti'
  29. 'Cosmic Crocodile'
  30. 'Cosmic Delight'
  31. 'Cosmic Desire'
  32. 'Cosmic DNA'
  33. 'Cosmic Dragon'
  34. 'Cosmic Dreamer'
  35. 'Cosmic Dusk'
  36. 'Cosmic Exceptional'
  37. 'Cosmic Eye Candy'
  38. 'Cosmic Fantasy'
  39. 'Cosmic Fireball'
  40. 'Cosmic Flash'
  41. 'Cosmic Friendship'
  42. 'Cosmic Frosty'
  43. 'Cosmic Fun'
  44. 'Cosmic Genes'
  45. 'Cosmic Goosebumps'
  46. 'Cosmic Happy'
  47. 'Cosmic Hippie'
  48. 'Cosmic Hot Mama'
  49. 'Cosmic Hurricane'
  50. 'Cosmic Iceberg'
  51. 'Cosmic Infatuation'
  52. 'Cosmic Jazzy'
  53. 'Cosmic Journey'
  54. 'Cosmic Joy'
  55. 'Cosmic Kid'
  56. 'Cosmic Killer'
  57. 'Cosmic Knuckles'
  58. 'Cosmic Lace'
  59. 'Cosmic Lady'
  60. 'Cosmic Little Devil'
  61. 'Cosmic Little Elf'
  62. 'Cosmic Lovin'
  63. 'Cosmic Mad Scientist'
  64. 'Cosmic Maniac'
  65. 'Cosmic Memories'
  66. 'Cosmic Miss Fertile'
  67. 'Cosmic Moon'
  68. 'Cosmic Moonshine'
  69. 'Cosmic Nano'
  70. 'Cosmic Paint Shaker'
  71. 'Cosmic Passion'
  72. 'Cosmic Patchwork'
  73. 'Cosmic Pistol'
  74. 'Cosmic Pluto'
  75. 'Cosmic Prize'
  76. 'Cosmic Pulsar'
  77. 'Cosmic Queen'
  78. 'Cosmic Rain' (Kuenster)
  79. 'Cosmic Rain' (Spence)
  80. 'Cosmic Rainbow'
  81. 'Cosmic Rally'
  82. 'Cosmic Reaction'
  83. 'Cosmic River'
  84. 'Cosmic Scientist'
  85. 'Cosmic Secret'
  86. 'Cosmic Sensation'
  87. 'Cosmic Shadows'
  88. 'Cosmic Shine'
  89. 'Cosmic Sister'
  90. 'Cosmic Sky'
  91. 'Cosmic Smiles'
  92. 'Cosmic Spotted Cow'
  93. 'Cosmic Thrills'
  94. 'Cosmic Tie Dye'
  95. 'Cosmic Treasure'
  96. 'Cosmic Trophy'
  97. 'Cosmic Universe'
  98. 'Cosmic Voyage'
  99. 'Cosmic Warrior'
  100. 'Cosmic Watercolors'
  101. 'Cosmic Wings'
  102. 'Cosmic Wonder'
  103. 'Cosmic Wow'
  104. 'Cosmopolitain'
  105. 'Cosmos'
  106. 'Costume Change'
  107. 'Cotillion'
  108. 'Cotton Candy'
  109. 'Cotton Fluff'
  110. 'Count Dracula'
  111. 'Count Your Blessings'
  112. 'Counter Point'
  113. 'Country Boy'
  114. 'Country Candied Confection'
  115. 'Country Confessions'
  116. 'Country Corn'
  117. 'Country Cousin'
  118. 'Country Double Take'
  119. 'Country Dreaming'
  120. 'Country Fine Print'
  121. 'Country Flamethrower'
  122. 'Country Gentleman'
  123. 'Country Heartthrobe'
  124. 'Country Hideaway'
  125. 'Country Livewire'
  126. 'Country Melody'
  127. 'Country Mouse'
  128. 'Country Rippled Relic'
  129. 'Country River Rapids'
  130. 'Country Road'
  131. 'Country Sun Drop'
  132. 'Country Warrior'
  133. 'County Park'
  134. 'Coup de Pavillion'
  135. 'Courtesy'
  136. 'Cousin Lou Ann'
  137. 'Coventry'
  138. 'Cover Girl'
  139. 'Covey'
  140. 'Cowabunga'
  141. 'Cowboy'
  142. 'Cowboy Blue Chrome'
  143. 'Cowboy Drinking Cup'
  144. 'Cowboy Gun Metal Blue'
  145. 'Cowboy Lemon Margarita'
  146. 'Cowboy Let Us'
  147. 'Cowboy Man in Black'
  148. 'Cowboy Up'
  149. 'Cowlick'
  150. 'Cowrie'
  151. 'Cracker Crumbs'
  152. 'Cracker Jack'
  153. "Craig No. C-1"
  154. "Craig No. C-2"
  155. "Craig No. C-3"
  156. "Craig No. C-4"
  157. "Craig No. H-1"
  158. "Craig No. H-2"
  159. "Craig No. H-6"
  160. "Craig No. H-7"
  161. "Craig No. 13"
  162. "Craig No. 19'
  163. 'Craig Harlequin Bells'
  164. 'Craig's Temptation'
  165. 'Crainberry Wine'
  166. 'Cranberries and Cream'
  167. 'Cranberry Relish'
  168. 'Cranberry Wine'
  169.  H. crassifolia
  170. 'Crater Lake'
  171. 'Crater's Heart'
  172. 'Crater's Rim'
  173. 'Crayola Kid'
  174. 'Crayons'
  175. 'Crazier'
  176. 'Craziest'
  177. 'Crazy'
  178. 'Crazy Daisy'
  179. 'Crazy for You'
  180. 'Crazy Hazy'
  181. 'Crazy Horse'
  182. 'Crazy Kiwi'
  183. 'Crazy Mouse'
  184. 'Crazy Mouse Ears'
  185. 'Crazy Quilt'
  186. 'Crazy Spirit'
  187. 'Cream Cheese'
  188. 'Cream Delight'
  189. 'Cream Edge'
  190. 'Cream Edge Seer'
  191. 'Cream Edger'
  192. 'Cream Flash'
  193. 'Cream Puff'
  194. 'Cream Topping'
  195. 'Creamsicle'
  196. 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'
  197. 'Creature from the Green Lagoon'
  198. 'Cree'
  199. 'Creech'
  200. 'Creek'
  201. 'Creet wee esta'
  202. 'Creme Brulee'
  203. 'Creme Caramel'
  204. 'Creme de Menthe'
  205. 'Creme Latte'
  206. 'Creme Solaire'
  207. 'Crepe Soul'
  208. 'Crepe Streak'
  209. 'Crepe Suzette'
  210. 'Crescendo'
  211. 'Crescent Moon'
  212. 'Crested Kneeboard'
  213. 'Crested Reef'
  214. 'Crested Surf'
  215. 'Cricket'
  216. 'Cricket Bailedout'
  217. 'Crickett's Mountain Mist'
  218. 'Crime and Punishment'
  219. 'Crimson Desire'
  220. 'Crinkle Cup'
  221. 'Crinkled Joy'
  222. 'Crinkled Clink'
  223. 'Crinkled Creature'
  224. 'Crinkled Leather'
  225. 'Crinkles'
  226. 'Crinoline Petticoats'
  227. 'Crispula'
  228. 'Crispula Lutescens'
  229. 'Crispula Viridis'
  230. 'Crispy Blue'
  231. 'Crispy Critters'
  232. 'Crocodile Queen'
  233. 'Crocodile Rock'
  234. 'Crocodile Smile'
  235. 'Crocodile Socks'
  236. 'Crocodile Tears'
  237. 'Cross Stitch'
  238. 'Crossing the Rubicon'
  239. 'Crossroads Bling Bling'
  240. 'Crossroads Budgie'
  241. 'Crossroads Hurricane'
  242. 'Crossroads Oscar'
  243. 'Crossroads Parrot'
  244. 'Crossroads Rowdy'
  245. 'Crossroads Steve'
  246. 'Crossroads Whirlpool'
  247. 'Crossview Can Can'
  248. 'Crosswind'
  249. 'Crossword Puzzle'
  250. 'Croutons'
  251. 'Crow'
  252. 'Crown Jewel'
  253. 'Crown Point'
  254. 'Crown Prince'
  255. 'Crown Royalty'
  256. 'Crowned Imperial'
  257. 'Crowned Princess'
  258. 'Crow's Feet'
  259. 'Crow's Landing'
  260. 'Crow's Landing Fairy Ghost'
  261. 'Crow's Landing Lime Sorbet'
  262. 'Crow's Landing Rippled Truffle'
  263. 'Crow's Landing Standout'
  264. 'Crow's Nest'
  265. 'Crumb Cake'
  266. 'Crumples'
  267. 'Crusader'
  268. 'Crusty Old Fart'
  269. 'Cry Baby'
  270. 'Crystal Ball'
  271. 'Crystal Blue'
  272. 'Crystal Blue Persuasion'
  273. 'Crystal Charm'
  274. 'Crystal Chimes'
  275. 'Crystal Dixie'
  276. 'Crystal Edge'
  277. 'Crystal Fountain'
  278. 'Crystal Glaze'
  279. 'Crystal Tiara'
  280. 'Crystal Moon'
  281. 'Cubbie Blue'
  282. 'Cubby Bear'
  283. 'Cubby Blue'
  284. 'Cubra Libra'
  285. 'Cucullata'
  286. 'Cucumber Boat'
  287. 'Cum Laude'
  288. 'Cumpson's Golden Dwarf'
  289. 'Cumulonimbus'
  290. 'Cup of Cheer'
  291. 'Cup of Cream'
  292. 'Cup of Glory'
  293. 'Cup of Gold'
  294. 'Cup of Grace'
  295. 'Cup of Joy'
  296. 'Cupatini'
  297. 'Cupid's Arrow'
  298. 'Cupid's Bow'
  299. 'Cupid's Dart'
  300. 'Cuput Avis-Leucantha'
  301. 'Curious Yellow' (Livingston)
  302. 'Curious Yellow' (M. Seaver)
  303. 'Curlew'
  304. 'Curley'
  305. 'Curlicue'
  306. 'Curls'
  307. 'Curly'
  308. 'Curly Clump'
  309. 'Curly Fries'
  310. 'Curly Locks'
  311. 'Curly Top'
  312. 'Curmudgeon'
  313. 'Current Sunrise'
  314. 'Curtain Call'
  315. 'Curtis Sutton'
  316. 'Curve Ball'
  317. 'Curves'
  318. 'Curvy'
  319. 'Cushing House 1808'
  320. 'Cute as a Button'
  321. 'Cute Little Delores'
  322. 'Cutie'
  323. 'Cutie Pie'
  324. 'Cutting Edge'
  325. 'Cuyahoga'
  326. 'Cuyahoga Falls'
  327. 'Cuyahoga Valley'
  328. 'Cyan'
  329. 'Cyberstar'
  330. 'Cyclone'
  331. 'Cyclone Wrestling'
  332. 'Cyclops' (Soucek)
  333. 'Cyclops' (Tompkins)
  334. 'Cynthia'
  335. 'Cynthia Ann'
  336. 'Cynthia's Early Bird'
  337. 'Cynthia's Extra Special'
  338. 'Cynthia's Favorite'
  339. 'Cyrus'
  340. 'Czech It Out'

The Hosta Helper
Copyright © 1998 -