Page Top

  1. 'Rachel'
  2. 'Radiant Edger'
  3. 'Radio Waves'
  4. 'Rainbow's End'
  5. 'Rainforest Sunrise'
  6. 'Rascal'
  7. 'Raspberry Sorbet'
  8. 'Raspberry Sundae'
  9. "Rawson Seedling 7-1"
  10. "Rawson Seedling 8-3"
  11. "Rawson Seedling 10-4"
  12. "Rawson Seedling 15-43"
  13. 'Ray of Hope'
  14. 'Razer'
  15.  H. rectifolia
  16. 'Red Bull'
  17. 'Red Cadet'
  18. 'Red Cloud'
  19. 'Red Dog'
  20. 'Red Dragon'
  21. 'Red Eagle'
  22. 'Red Eye Café'
  23. 'Red Flower #2"
  24. 'Red Imp'
  25. 'Red Neck Heaven'
  26. 'Red October'
  27. 'Red Ryder'
  28. 'Red Salamander'
  29. 'Red Sox'
  30. 'Red Tubes'
  31. 'Regal Rhubarb'
  32. 'Regal Ruffles'
  33. 'Regal Splendor'
  34. 'Reginald Kaye'
  35. 'Reiko'
  36. 'Reptilian'
  37. 'Resonance'
  38. 'Reversed'
  39. 'Revolution'
  40. 'Rhapsody in Blue'
  1. 'Rhinestone Cowboy'
  2. 'Rhino Hide'
  3. 'Rhythm and Blues'
  4. 'Rich Uncle'
  5. 'Richland Gold'
  6. 'Richland Gold's Moonlight'
  7. 'Richland Royal Prince'
  8. 'Richland Surprise'
  9. 'Richmond'
  10. 'Richmond Blue'
  11. 'Right Around Morning Sunrise'
  12. 'Rim Rock'
  13. 'Ringtail'
  14. 'Ripple'
  15. 'Ripple Effect'
  16. 'Rippled Honey'
  17. 'Rippling Waves'
  18. ''Riptide'
  19. 'Rising Sun'
  20. 'Risky Business'
  21. 'Ritz'
  22. 'Robb's Dream'
  23. 'Robert Frost'
  24. 'Robert's Rapier'
  25. 'Robin Hood'
  26. 'Robust Giant'
  27. 'Robusta'
  28. 'Rock and Roll'
  29. 'Rock Master'
  30. 'Rock Princess', H. nakaiana
  31. 'Rocky Mountain High'
  32. 'Rocky Road'
  33. 'Rod's Gold'
  34.  H. rohdeifolia
  35. 'Rosanne'
  36. 'Rosedale Black Hole'
  37. 'Rosedale Blend Master'
  38. 'Rosedale Daisy Mae'
  39. 'Rosedale Dough Boy'
  40. 'Rosedale Genevieve'
  1. 'Rosedale Knox'
  2. 'Rosedale Lost Dutchman'
  3. 'Rosedale Shady Lady'
  4. 'Rotini'
  5. 'Rough Waters'
  6. 'Royal Flush'
  7. 'Royal Mouse Ears'
  8. 'Royal Rainbow' (Aden)
  9. 'Royal Standard'
  10. 'Royal Super'
  11. 'Royal Tiara'
  12. 'Ruffed Up'
  13. 'Ruffled Feathers'
  14. 'Ruffles'
  15.  H. rupifraga
  16. 'Russ O'Harra'
  17. 'Ryan's Big One'

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